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alex but festive
Community Member
1 posts
473 points
someday your life is gonna flash before your eyes. make sure it’s worth watching - gerard way
alex but festive • upvoted an item 2 years ago
alex but festive • started following a person 3 years ago
alex but festive • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
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alex but festive • upvoted an item 3 years ago
alex but festive • upvoted 19 items 4 years ago
Just Finished My Chemotherapy Treatment And All That's Left Is Steroids And Radiotherapy And Then I'm Cancer Free
A Kind Stranger Drove Two Hours And Used His Drone To Recover Meadow, Who Was Lost In The Woods For 10 Days
Hey Pandas, How Are You, Honestly?
i have anxiety and adhd and i stutter when i speak and i hate my life and i miss my friends and i don't want to die but i don't want this life that i have and i feel so guilty because my boyfriend has so much more to deal with and i feel like i just make people sad and finals are this week and the week after break and i'm a freshman in high school and i don't know what to do because i'm so stressed and anxious and scared that i physically can't eat and me not eating makes me so anxious and i know people are going to say "just force something down." i can't. it's like my throat closes up and i can't speak or eat or breathe i'm so tired and stressed thank you so much if you read this whole thing. i just really needed to ventWhat's Your Favorite Memory From 2020?
November something idk. But im not allowed to have snapchat and my cousin added my crush lets call him Alan so my cousin tells Alan I like him so im now mad AF but when me and Alan went to school we have all classes together and are friends he gave me his number and now we are closer than ever and bestest friends!What's Your Favorite Memory From 2020?
It will be after December 26th. Why you guys might be asking, it is because on the 21st I will be having heart surgery and that will probably be when I am aloud to leave the hospital. Please make this number one.Show All 19 Upvotes
alex but festive • commented on 11 posts 4 years ago
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alex but festive • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago
alex but festive • submitted a new post 4 years ago
alex but festive • submitted a new post 4 years ago
alex but festive • submitted 6 list additions 4 years ago
alex but festive • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
alex but festive • commented on 16 posts 4 years ago
alex but festive • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
A Kind Stranger Drove Two Hours And Used His Drone To Recover Meadow, Who Was Lost In The Woods For 10 Days
alex but festive • upvoted 11 items 4 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Are You, Honestly?
i have anxiety and adhd and i stutter when i speak and i hate my life and i miss my friends and i don't want to die but i don't want this life that i have and i feel so guilty because my boyfriend has so much more to deal with and i feel like i just make people sad and finals are this week and the week after break and i'm a freshman in high school and i don't know what to do because i'm so stressed and anxious and scared that i physically can't eat and me not eating makes me so anxious and i know people are going to say "just force something down." i can't. it's like my throat closes up and i can't speak or eat or breathe i'm so tired and stressed thank you so much if you read this whole thing. i just really needed to vent alex but festive • is following 2 people
alex but festive • 24 followers