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perfect platypus she/they
Community Member
5 posts
46 points
waffles are just pancakes with abs
using that logic we can assume that when i eat waffles i am gaining those abs
therefore consuming waffles=working out
thank you for coming to my ted talk
perfect platypus she/they • upvoted 37 items 1 year ago
Harry Potter: Someone's Death Was Already Spoiled In The Third Movie
So we all know Dumbledore dies in the sixth movie. But there are hints that his death was already spoiled in the third movie. There is a christmas dinner with various people involved. Finally Sibyll Trelawny joins the party. Before she sits down she is frightened because there are already 12 people sitting at the table and 13 people sitting at the same table brings misery. She does not sit down and mentiones that the first of those 13 persons to stand up would die. In order to calm her, Dumbledore stands up and leaves the table. But we later get to know that Ron's rat was just Peter Pattigrew who transformeed himself. Knowing that Ron carried his rat in his pocket most of the time, that'd mean there were already 13 people at the table. As Dumbledore leaves as the first of those 13 people, his fate was sealed.mordenty reply
The ten hottest years on record have all been since 2010. We are not only going to see the catastrophic 2 degree warming this century - we're probably going to see more than that. The absolute worst part? Even with net zero emissions by 2070 we will STILL probably see 2 degree warming. The time for action to prevent catastrophe was over maybe 20 years ago - we are living in a time of disaster management.New Of The Best Photos Shared By This Twitter Account That Collects Historic Photographs Of Cats With Their Stories
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perfect platypus she/they • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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perfect platypus she/they • submitted 5 new posts 1 year ago
perfect platypus she/they • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
perfect platypus she/they • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
perfect platypus she/they • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Harry Potter: Someone's Death Was Already Spoiled In The Third Movie
So we all know Dumbledore dies in the sixth movie. But there are hints that his death was already spoiled in the third movie. There is a christmas dinner with various people involved. Finally Sibyll Trelawny joins the party. Before she sits down she is frightened because there are already 12 people sitting at the table and 13 people sitting at the same table brings misery. She does not sit down and mentiones that the first of those 13 persons to stand up would die. In order to calm her, Dumbledore stands up and leaves the table. But we later get to know that Ron's rat was just Peter Pattigrew who transformeed himself. Knowing that Ron carried his rat in his pocket most of the time, that'd mean there were already 13 people at the table. As Dumbledore leaves as the first of those 13 people, his fate was sealed.mordenty reply
The ten hottest years on record have all been since 2010. We are not only going to see the catastrophic 2 degree warming this century - we're probably going to see more than that. The absolute worst part? Even with net zero emissions by 2070 we will STILL probably see 2 degree warming. The time for action to prevent catastrophe was over maybe 20 years ago - we are living in a time of disaster management.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
perfect platypus she/they • 2 followers