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Madison Sadler
Community Member
4 posts
1.2K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Madison Sadler • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago
Show All 3 Upvotes
Madison Sadler • commented on a post 1 year ago
Madison Sadler • upvoted 30 items 2 years ago
In Shrek, Shrek Is Green. In Encanto, Bruno Is Green. I Don't Think These Facts Are Related. I Just Wanted You Guys To Read All Of This Text For No Reason. Wasting Precious Seconds Of Your Life Away, Getting Closer And Closer To Death
Slow-Distribution119 reply
A second chance to do it better when you have kids. Every time I got angry or upset with my own children, I would take a breath and think about what my mom would do—and then do the exact opposite. Lots of laughter and forgiveness in our house and zero violence. My mantra has always been “there is value in a bad example.”anon reply
Okay lets do it - self doubt, self esteem issues and overall not feeling good enough or feeling like you have an intense obligation or expectation to fulfil to keep your parents happy. The inability to know what you want or not knowing how to say no when someone asks something of you in fear they will react poorly. Inability to be assertive and telling people what you are/aren't ok with. Not having high values of yourself and putting everyone else before you. Feeling guilt the minute you 'let someone down.' TRIGGER WORDS - example 'I'm disappointed' Having a habit of toxic and repetitive relationships with friends and partners. Also switching around friend groups often or having little to none. Feeling emotionally inept or being extremely emotional and feeling like you cannot express it. Difficulty with maintaining life skills, self care, hygiene, finances ect feeling like a child stuck in an adults bodymR-gray42 reply
You feel intimidated by everyone around you, you feel like you're never good enough for anyone, no matter how much they tell you that you don't need to try so hard, and you generally have low self-worth. Edit: Wow. I don't know whether to feel encouraged that so many people know where I’m coming from with this, or heartbroken about it. Either way, thank you, everyone.Show All 30 Upvotes
Madison Sadler • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
30 Times The True Gold Was Hidden In The Post Replies, As Shared On "Successful Ratios" Twitter Page
Show All 6 Comments
Madison Sadler • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
Madison Sadler • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago
Madison Sadler • commented on a post 1 year ago
Madison Sadler • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
30 Times The True Gold Was Hidden In The Post Replies, As Shared On "Successful Ratios" Twitter Page
Madison Sadler • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago
Madison Sadler • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago
In Shrek, Shrek Is Green. In Encanto, Bruno Is Green. I Don't Think These Facts Are Related. I Just Wanted You Guys To Read All Of This Text For No Reason. Wasting Precious Seconds Of Your Life Away, Getting Closer And Closer To Death
anon reply
Okay lets do it - self doubt, self esteem issues and overall not feeling good enough or feeling like you have an intense obligation or expectation to fulfil to keep your parents happy. The inability to know what you want or not knowing how to say no when someone asks something of you in fear they will react poorly. Inability to be assertive and telling people what you are/aren't ok with. Not having high values of yourself and putting everyone else before you. Feeling guilt the minute you 'let someone down.' TRIGGER WORDS - example 'I'm disappointed' Having a habit of toxic and repetitive relationships with friends and partners. Also switching around friend groups often or having little to none. Feeling emotionally inept or being extremely emotional and feeling like you cannot express it. Difficulty with maintaining life skills, self care, hygiene, finances ect feeling like a child stuck in an adults bodySlow-Distribution119 reply
A second chance to do it better when you have kids. Every time I got angry or upset with my own children, I would take a breath and think about what my mom would do—and then do the exact opposite. Lots of laughter and forgiveness in our house and zero violence. My mantra has always been “there is value in a bad example.”mR-gray42 reply
You feel intimidated by everyone around you, you feel like you're never good enough for anyone, no matter how much they tell you that you don't need to try so hard, and you generally have low self-worth. Edit: Wow. I don't know whether to feel encouraged that so many people know where I’m coming from with this, or heartbroken about it. Either way, thank you, everyone. Madison Sadler • is following 4 people
Madison Sadler • 72 followers