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hi • upvoted 23 items 2 years ago
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I was going to the doctor with my oldest cousin,14, and we both had to get our Covid vac. shots. our doctor was male and he let my cousin go first. he barley flinched. I was next. I was about a few months older but I was terrified of needles and when I got nervous my hands shook a LOT. So the doctor said "Come on, your cousin is the only one tough enough for the tiny tiny shot?" We left immidently, I did'nt get the vaccine that day.What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You As A Woman?
Earlier today I was at the grocery store with my dad (I’m fourteen) and as we’re paying, my dad says, “hey Alyra, can you grab the bag?” and I reach for it. The cashier yanks the bag away from me and tries to hand it to my dad, saying, “you’re the man,” to him. I grab the bag from the cashier, my dad finishes paying, and as we walk out, I stomp on the cashier’s foot. Men are monsters.Hey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Talk About But There Are No Posts Specific Enough For It?
Bored Panda's stupid rule about censorship. People's downvotes cause you to be suspended. Three suspensions and you are banned! You can email BP about the suspensions and bans but not ONCE after several emails have I heard a response from BP.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You’re Gen Z Without Actually Telling Me You’re Gen Z
Wassup guys!!1!1!! This is my new YouTube channel where I open random boxes and scream into the microphone lololololShow All 23 Upvotes
hi • started following 2 people 2 years ago
hi • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
hi • commented on 14 posts 2 years ago
Show All 14 Comments
hi • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
hi • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
hi • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Want To Talk About But There Are No Posts Specific Enough For It?
Bored Panda's stupid rule about censorship. People's downvotes cause you to be suspended. Three suspensions and you are banned! You can email BP about the suspensions and bans but not ONCE after several emails have I heard a response from BP.Hey Pandas, Tell Me You’re Gen Z Without Actually Telling Me You’re Gen Z
Wassup guys!!1!1!! This is my new YouTube channel where I open random boxes and scream into the microphone lololololWhat’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You As A Woman?
Earlier today I was at the grocery store with my dad (I’m fourteen) and as we’re paying, my dad says, “hey Alyra, can you grab the bag?” and I reach for it. The cashier yanks the bag away from me and tries to hand it to my dad, saying, “you’re the man,” to him. I grab the bag from the cashier, my dad finishes paying, and as we walk out, I stomp on the cashier’s foot. Men are monsters.Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I was going to the doctor with my oldest cousin,14, and we both had to get our Covid vac. shots. our doctor was male and he let my cousin go first. he barley flinched. I was next. I was about a few months older but I was terrified of needles and when I got nervous my hands shook a LOT. So the doctor said "Come on, your cousin is the only one tough enough for the tiny tiny shot?" We left immidently, I did'nt get the vaccine that day. hi • 1 follower