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Luis Hernandez Dauajare
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?
Singing Christmas carols with my father. He is 86 and in the early stages of dementia, so I am going to keep doing for as many Christmas as I can. Seize the day, people...
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Christmas Tradition?
Singing Christmas carols with my father. He is 86 and in the early stages of dementia, so I am going to keep doing for as many Christmas as I can. Seize the day, people...
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Unusual Patient You’ve Ever Handled?
Maybe the gentleman who had an extremely embarrasing swelling (through no fault of his own) Basically, we needed a jock strap to support the problem, but couldn't find anything big enough, so had to use triangular bandages.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Unusual Patient You’ve Ever Handled?
Years ago when I was a nurse, a very elderly lady was an in patient for some problem (I’ve forgotten what). She had a lovely family, quite big, daughters, sons, grandkids etc.
She was a sweet lady but whenever she was alone with a female nurse she would grab their breasts and squeeze them and make burbling noise like when you tickle a baby.