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Community Member
1 posts
46 points
I love drawing, reading, writing, talking and meeting new people, working (it's true!), DANCING and playing the piano.
Well, I'm a dancer.
Natalia • started following a person 2 years ago
Natalia • upvoted 14 items 2 years ago
Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Teach your kids to name their feelings. When they’re little you guide them - “are you feeling frustrated because you wanted to spend more time at Target today?” - and talk about why they feel that way and what they can do to feel better. If they can name it and claim it, they can tame it. Getting kids into the habit of that type of self-awareness, self-regulation, and openness is valuable.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Do all the things when they are young. They will grow up on you and need their space, give it to them, but be accessible. Simply asking how the day went consistently opens a door to discussion if they have something serious to discuss. Admitting when you're wrong is just as important as helping them take the right path. Teach them life skills that you wish were taught in schools, including how to keep a budget, file a tax return, cook, clean, and do laundry. Never forget you're preparing them for life without you and never let them forget you're on their side the whole time, no matter what!Show All 14 Upvotes
Natalia • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
Show All 17 Comments
Natalia • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Natalia • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
Natalia • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Natalia • submitted 17 list additions 2 years ago
Natalia • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Natalia • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Do all the things when they are young. They will grow up on you and need their space, give it to them, but be accessible. Simply asking how the day went consistently opens a door to discussion if they have something serious to discuss. Admitting when you're wrong is just as important as helping them take the right path. Teach them life skills that you wish were taught in schools, including how to keep a budget, file a tax return, cook, clean, and do laundry. Never forget you're preparing them for life without you and never let them forget you're on their side the whole time, no matter what!Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Teach your kids to name their feelings. When they’re little you guide them - “are you feeling frustrated because you wanted to spend more time at Target today?” - and talk about why they feel that way and what they can do to feel better. If they can name it and claim it, they can tame it. Getting kids into the habit of that type of self-awareness, self-regulation, and openness is valuable. Natalia • is following a person
Natalia • 1 follower