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LoveWithHeart Online
Community Member
3 posts
43 points
This panda is focused on helping my panda clients cultivate their best panda selves to create the Pandaship you deserve.
Pandame is committed to learning, growing, until I leave this Panda Coil.
LoveWithHeart Online • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Fund the root if the problem, what caused you to breakup? Understand if it was your fault, your partners fault, or if thing just wasn't getting along (mutual). If one person is at fault understand this and focus on this in your next relationship. Take time for yourself, And um , watching kdrama may not be the best solution. Know that someone is out for you and a breakup is only the beginning of a new relationship.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Fund the root if the problem, what caused you to breakup? Understand if it was your fault, your partners fault, or if thing just wasn't getting along (mutual). If one person is at fault understand this and focus on this in your next relationship. Take time for yourself, And um , watching kdrama may not be the best solution. Know that someone is out for you and a breakup is only the beginning of a new relationship.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Put on some Mika songs preferably 'Love Today' and enjoy the space you now have, and all the freedoms that come with it.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Let them go. Do not haunt their social media or “stalk” their place of work, school, home, family, or friends. Just put distance and time between you and concentrate on making your life better - for yourself, not to make them want you again or to induce jealousy.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Find some new activity to focus on- preferably something that enriches your life and that requires you to focus on it, like knitting, hiking, photography, gardening. I highly suggest that you find some form of physical activity that will allow you to positively release your anger and frustrations while supporting your self-esteem. There's no better revenge on an ex than to be living a better life on your own than what you had with them.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Be kind to yourself. You have probably done nothing wrong, it’s just ran it’s course. Pamper yourself , take some time to process things.Show All 39 Upvotes
LoveWithHeart Online • submitted a new post 1 year ago
LoveWithHeart Online • submitted 3 new posts 1 year ago
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LoveWithHeart Online • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Fund the root if the problem, what caused you to breakup? Understand if it was your fault, your partners fault, or if thing just wasn't getting along (mutual). If one person is at fault understand this and focus on this in your next relationship. Take time for yourself, And um , watching kdrama may not be the best solution. Know that someone is out for you and a breakup is only the beginning of a new relationship.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Find some new activity to focus on- preferably something that enriches your life and that requires you to focus on it, like knitting, hiking, photography, gardening. I highly suggest that you find some form of physical activity that will allow you to positively release your anger and frustrations while supporting your self-esteem. There's no better revenge on an ex than to be living a better life on your own than what you had with them.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Put on some Mika songs preferably 'Love Today' and enjoy the space you now have, and all the freedoms that come with it.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Let them go. Do not haunt their social media or “stalk” their place of work, school, home, family, or friends. Just put distance and time between you and concentrate on making your life better - for yourself, not to make them want you again or to induce jealousy.Hey Pandas, What Are 3 Tips To Get Over Your Breakup?
Be kind to yourself. You have probably done nothing wrong, it’s just ran it’s course. Pamper yourself , take some time to process things.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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