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1 posts
109 points
Hi,my names Amber,just a bored panda and Im a high-school junior
Amber.exe • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
“Corporate Cringe”: 30 Of The Best Workplace Memes And Posts Shared By This Dedicated Instagram Page
Show All 10 Comments
Amber.exe • upvoted 30 items 2 years ago
Parenting, Relationships
Guy Asks If He’s The Jerk For Helping His Younger Brother And Not The Twin Sister Who’s The Parents’ Favorite
Van lifestyle: Some wealthy people will drop everything and remodel and literally live in a van or bus, traveling and usually blogging or vlogging along the way. On the flip side, many people did not choose to be homeless and are forced to live out of their cars.People-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
Being completely s**t-faced. I work in fine dining and you wouldn't believe the number of rich, well-dressed, "classy" people who get drunk off their a*ses and make a complete fool of themselves and still act better than you while they are doing it.People-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
Getting things for free. Which makes me viciously angry.People-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
The most expensive thing you own is a really old car.People-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
Casual clothing in a formal environment. Hoodie and cargo pants at a law firm: you're either going over your trust fund or taking on crippling debt to get out of a public intox charge.People-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
Drinking in the park. When they do it it’s a “banquet” but when I do it I’m “hammered” and need to “get off the swings and put my pants on”People-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
Not paying taxes, if your poor your stealing for others but if your rich you have the business savvyPeople-Share-Classy-If-Rich-Trashy-If-Poor-Things
I saw this on a video some time ago and I'll repeat the response that came with it: Rich people have mistresses Middle-class people have affairs Poor people have side pieces.Show All 30 Upvotes
Amber.exe • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Amber.exe • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago
Amber.exe • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
“Corporate Cringe”: 30 Of The Best Workplace Memes And Posts Shared By This Dedicated Instagram Page
Amber.exe • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
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