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Lydia Owen the Bi-tch
Community Member
Bi-in a hetro relationship.
She/her but I am demigirl.
Pagan, but fully recpect your religion, as long as you as a person is not an a$shole, racist, sexist, or use your religion to believe that you are better than others.
Also dont believe if people dont believe as you do that they will go to hell
All styles are awesome, I don't wanna see your underwear though. Bras are uncomfortable and if women who have small boobs have to wear them, then men should too. They should not be sexualized at all times.
I love music. 90% of all the thing. But favorites are Twenty-one pilots, New years day, Ashniko, and 90s-2010s.
I have 2 kids, a leopard gecko, hamster and 5 fishes. I love animals.
Black lives matter, and everyone deserves to feel respected and safe. Make investagations into police misconduct be done by an outside un-biased and fair to citizens well-being.
Allways be learning and growing. Change is a good thing and leads to