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Lily Luna Black
Community Member
1 posts
27 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Lily Luna Black • commented on 3 posts 7 months ago
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Lily Luna Black • upvoted an item 8 months ago
Lily Luna Black • upvoted 28 items 2 years ago
The Last Batch Of Spanish Passports Have "PAO" Written As "PA0" And People Cannot Get On Planes Because Of It
Abe_Fromans_Day_Off reply
If you're against free school lunches for kids who need it, you're an a*****e, period, full stop. Edit: can yall stop trying to debate with me, I'm not changing my mind. If you don't mind children going hungry at a place they're legally required to be, you're a f*****g a*****e. For like 3 or 4 different reasons. I'm not responding to your comments.andante528 reply
“There are lots of members of our family tree, and I’m probably the prettiest one, don’t you think?” - my daughter (to me), age 7 She is an identical twin, so kind of a weird flex.Hey Pandas, What Conspiracy Theory Do You Believe To Your Core But Have No Evidence For?
Okay, for those who haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast, this is gonna be gibberish. So, in Belle (the first song, I think), a lady sings “I need six eggs, that’s too expensive.” But later, Gaston sings, “When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs…now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs”! GASTON IS SINGLE-HANDEDLY JACKING UP EGG PRICES AND LEAVING THE EGGCONOMY IN SHAMBLES. (Not my theory. From Tumblr.)Funny Catchphrases
"Yer a wizard Harry." ― Rubeus Hagrid, 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'Urban-Legends
The licked hand A scary urban legend popular among teenagers. The story narrates how a killer secretly spends the night under a girl’s bed, licking her hand when offered, which the girl thinks is her dog. The girl only finds the truth the following day, when she finds her dog dead in her closet and a bloody message — “humans can lick too.”Show All 28 Upvotes
Lily Luna Black • started following 2 people 2 years ago
Lily Luna Black • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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Lily Luna Black • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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Lily Luna Black • commented on 3 posts 7 months ago
Lily Luna Black • commented on 12 posts 2 years ago
Lily Luna Black • upvoted an item 7 months ago
Lily Luna Black • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago
Every night, I relive burying my comrades from the war in my dreams. Not because of the night terrors, but for the scratches on my arms and dirt on the floor every time I wake up.Urban-Legends
The licked hand A scary urban legend popular among teenagers. The story narrates how a killer secretly spends the night under a girl’s bed, licking her hand when offered, which the girl thinks is her dog. The girl only finds the truth the following day, when she finds her dog dead in her closet and a bloody message — “humans can lick too.”The Last Batch Of Spanish Passports Have "PAO" Written As "PA0" And People Cannot Get On Planes Because Of It
Hey Pandas, What Conspiracy Theory Do You Believe To Your Core But Have No Evidence For?
Okay, for those who haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast, this is gonna be gibberish. So, in Belle (the first song, I think), a lady sings “I need six eggs, that’s too expensive.” But later, Gaston sings, “When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs…now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs”! GASTON IS SINGLE-HANDEDLY JACKING UP EGG PRICES AND LEAVING THE EGGCONOMY IN SHAMBLES. (Not my theory. From Tumblr.)Abe_Fromans_Day_Off reply
If you're against free school lunches for kids who need it, you're an a*****e, period, full stop. Edit: can yall stop trying to debate with me, I'm not changing my mind. If you don't mind children going hungry at a place they're legally required to be, you're a f*****g a*****e. For like 3 or 4 different reasons. I'm not responding to your comments.andante528 reply
“There are lots of members of our family tree, and I’m probably the prettiest one, don’t you think?” - my daughter (to me), age 7 She is an identical twin, so kind of a weird flex.Funny Catchphrases
"Yer a wizard Harry." ― Rubeus Hagrid, 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' Lily Luna Black • is following 2 people
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