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3 posts
31 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
LILLIAN BREAUX • commented on 19 posts 1 year ago
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LILLIAN BREAUX • started following 3 people 1 year ago
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LILLIAN BREAUX • upvoted 14 items 1 year ago
mazexii33 reply
When the Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall happened 10-12 years ago or so (due to salmonella) my then-15 year old daughter came in from school and as she was walking past the living room (tv was on) she stopped and watched the news report about the salmonella outbreak. She got this “ah-ha” lightbulb moment and said, “oh, now I get it! It’s about peanut butter! All day at school I kept hearing Peter Pan was killing people around the country and I thought he had turned bad or something and was now a villain.” I just stared at her waiting for her to say she was joking and didn’t really think Peter Pan was real, but no, she just went upstairs to her room like we just had a normal conversation about normal, every-day events.mazexii33 reply
When the Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall happened 10-12 years ago or so (due to salmonella) my then-15 year old daughter came in from school and as she was walking past the living room (tv was on) she stopped and watched the news report about the salmonella outbreak. She got this “ah-ha” lightbulb moment and said, “oh, now I get it! It’s about peanut butter! All day at school I kept hearing Peter Pan was killing people around the country and I thought he had turned bad or something and was now a villain.” I just stared at her waiting for her to say she was joking and didn’t really think Peter Pan was real, but no, she just went upstairs to her room like we just had a normal conversation about normal, every-day events.Hey Pandas, What Is The Best Way You Have Gotten Revenge On Your Ex?
ok here it is so im a boy but my ex was a girl but was a lesbian she told me that the only reason that she got with me was becuase she was dared to so she then told me that she was geting with a girl that's one of my oldest friends so that vary night i told her that i knew but i was just playing along i told the girl that she was going after my vary friend that 2 week before that i broke up with her so that vary night i asked her out and she said yes and after a week later i invited my ex to talk over diner but little did she know that the girl she left me for that i was dating was coming with me to diner and i got her so hart broken so bad that i told my girlfriend witch i much also mention is now my wife every thing embarrassing about her to who is know my wife during diner at the vary end what made it worth it she said to her that thank god im not dating you and made her cry in front every on in public so worth itShow All 14 Upvotes
LILLIAN BREAUX • submitted 4 list additions 1 year ago
LILLIAN BREAUX • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
LILLIAN BREAUX • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
LILLIAN BREAUX • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
mazexii33 reply
When the Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall happened 10-12 years ago or so (due to salmonella) my then-15 year old daughter came in from school and as she was walking past the living room (tv was on) she stopped and watched the news report about the salmonella outbreak. She got this “ah-ha” lightbulb moment and said, “oh, now I get it! It’s about peanut butter! All day at school I kept hearing Peter Pan was killing people around the country and I thought he had turned bad or something and was now a villain.” I just stared at her waiting for her to say she was joking and didn’t really think Peter Pan was real, but no, she just went upstairs to her room like we just had a normal conversation about normal, every-day events.Hey Pandas, What Is The Best Way You Have Gotten Revenge On Your Ex?
ok here it is so im a boy but my ex was a girl but was a lesbian she told me that the only reason that she got with me was becuase she was dared to so she then told me that she was geting with a girl that's one of my oldest friends so that vary night i told her that i knew but i was just playing along i told the girl that she was going after my vary friend that 2 week before that i broke up with her so that vary night i asked her out and she said yes and after a week later i invited my ex to talk over diner but little did she know that the girl she left me for that i was dating was coming with me to diner and i got her so hart broken so bad that i told my girlfriend witch i much also mention is now my wife every thing embarrassing about her to who is know my wife during diner at the vary end what made it worth it she said to her that thank god im not dating you and made her cry in front every on in public so worth itHey Pandas, What’s A Video Game Or A TV Show You Love But Nobody Knows About?
Family Guy, my mom almost caught me but i changed it at the last second but my cousins watch it to lol. LILLIAN BREAUX • is following 8 people
LILLIAN BREAUX • 1 follower