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Jo Johannsen
Community Member
3 posts
117.8K points
Big mouth, love puns and corny jokes, fascinated by words and language, odd sense of humor, the snark is strong with me.
Jo Johannsen • commented on 21 posts 2 years ago
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Jo Johannsen • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago
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Jo Johannsen • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Jo Johannsen • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Jo Johannsen • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago
Jo Johannsen • submitted 8 list additions 4 years ago
Jo Johannsen • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Jo Johannsen • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Don't Reach Over And Honk The Horn While Driving
Don't reach over and honk the horn while I am driving.Always Clear The Timer On The Microwave
If you open the microwave before it's done clear the timer so the next person doesn't have to try figure out why it's not starting.Let People Off The Subway Before You Get On
That you need to let people off the f*****g subway before you get on. My guy, you will get on - let me off first!It’s “I Couldn’t Care Less,” Not “I Could Care Less”
It’s “I couldn’t care less” “I could care less” doesn’t even make sense.Fish Is Meat
Fish is meat. I had one friend who would not let it go and argued that it was not and it was ‘just fish’ so much that it became a running joke.Pulled All Three Accounts After The Bank Refused To Reverse A $2 Miscellaneous Charge
Bank of America charged me $2 for a miscellaneous charge, in 1997. I called to ask what it was for because there was no reason. The lady on the phone said, well, I can't tell you because it is miscellaneous. I asked her to then please reverse it and she refused. I pulled all three of my accounts from them and moved them to a credit union and ever since, full stop refuse to have a damn thing with that company.It’s “Could Have,” Not “Could Of”
I don't care how you pronounce them, but it's written "could/would/should/might HAVE", not "could of".It Is Possible To Look At Something On A Grocery Store Shelf Without Blocking The Whole Aisle
It is possible to look at something on a grocery store shelf without blocking the whole aisle. Looking at you, shoppers in a certain Aldi this afternoon …Don’t Talk With Your Mouth Full Of Food
Don't talk with your mouth full of food. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to see partially chewed food in your mouth.Adding Apostrophe S At The End Of A Word Doesn’t Make It Plural
Adding 's at the end of a word does not make it plural. I've seen it in ads. I've seen it on signs. I've even seen it on a flyer someone wrote advertising their services as a writer. People walk around like it's normal! Out in the street! Saying that they have 14 chicken's! Like monsters! I will die on this hill over and over until my assembled corpses make it into a slightly bigger hill. Jo Johannsen • is following a person
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