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Turbo the Great and Terrible
Community Member
2 posts
145 points
Turbo the Great and Terrible, the All-Powerful Matriarch of the Virgo Rabbit Clan!
Email Turbo at
Turbo the Great and Terrible • commented on a post 10 months ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • upvoted 3 items 10 months ago
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Turbo the Great and Terrible • upvoted 32 items 1 year ago
ArgusTheCat reply
I utterly refuse to get mad about fashion trends. Everyone, at some point in their life, has seen some bitter old a*****e complaining about "the kids these days", and I f*****g *will not do it*. I will not be that guy. If there's a dumb fashion trend, you know what? I love it. Love that people are having fun. You can't make me get angry about shoes, it's just not f*****g worth it.ArgusTheCat reply
I utterly refuse to get mad about fashion trends. Everyone, at some point in their life, has seen some bitter old a*****e complaining about "the kids these days", and I f*****g *will not do it*. I will not be that guy. If there's a dumb fashion trend, you know what? I love it. Love that people are having fun. You can't make me get angry about shoes, it's just not f*****g worth it.Wenuwayker reply
Beans on or in a tortilla. You can have it so many different ways that it doesn't feel like eating the same thing over and over again.Minimalist12345678 reply
Peasant's pasta otherwise known as Agile e Olio- it's bloody delicious. Pasta, olive oil, garlic, parmesan cheese.LadyDreamcatcher reply
Throwing leftover anything inside a warmed up flour tortilla. Now it’s a burrito.Atrkrupt1 reply
I have had four knee surgeries. I was an athlete all my life. Six weeks ago I began walking the .89 mile each way (so says Google Fit) commute to work. I have lost 8lbs and my knees ache less. It isn't much but it is a start and I will continue.SoPixelated reply
I get up earlier so I can have 30 minutes to drink my coffee, play Wordle, and hang out with my cat before work. Not rushing in the morning reduces my anxiety overall.gajeeper1992 reply
What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One weighs a ton, and the other is a little lighter.N8_Arsenal87 reply
Bear walks into a bar and says “can I have a………Coke?” Bartender says “what’s with the big pause?” Bear says “I don’t know, I was born with them.”I Suffer From Depression And When I´m Down I Try To Cheer Myself Up By Wearing Nice Clothes. Today I Put On This Thrifted Outfit Just To Go And Get Some Milk. It Felt Really Good Wearing It So It Stayed On At Home As Well
Show All 32 Upvotes
Turbo the Great and Terrible • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
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Turbo the Great and Terrible • submitted 2 new posts 5 years ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • commented on a post 10 months ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • upvoted 3 items 10 months ago
Turbo the Great and Terrible • upvoted 17 items 1 year ago
ArgusTheCat reply
I utterly refuse to get mad about fashion trends. Everyone, at some point in their life, has seen some bitter old a*****e complaining about "the kids these days", and I f*****g *will not do it*. I will not be that guy. If there's a dumb fashion trend, you know what? I love it. Love that people are having fun. You can't make me get angry about shoes, it's just not f*****g worth it.Wenuwayker reply
Beans on or in a tortilla. You can have it so many different ways that it doesn't feel like eating the same thing over and over again.LadyDreamcatcher reply
Throwing leftover anything inside a warmed up flour tortilla. Now it’s a burrito. Turbo the Great and Terrible • is following a person