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Leilani Church
Community Member
1 posts
18 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Leilani Church • commented on 13 posts 3 years ago
Show All 13 Comments
Leilani Church • upvoted 26 items 3 years ago
He wanted me to rehome my cat because he wanted a dog instead. We were not living together, and I’m allergic to dogs. That didn’t matter, HE wanted me to have one, so he demanded I rehome the cat. I rehomed him instead. The look on his face when I took him to his mother’s house was pretty priceless.People-Choose-Pet-Over-Partner
Was getting a divorce and the ex-wife demanded my dog or she’d take me to court over the house. I reluctantly gave him to her. She called me five days after taking possession of him. He was chewing everything of hers, peeing all over her and her new boyfriends house. I got him back and he never did any of that for me. Still have him and he is 15 years old nowShow All 26 Upvotes
Leilani Church • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Leilani Church • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Leilani Church • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Leilani Church • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
He wanted me to rehome my cat because he wanted a dog instead. We were not living together, and I’m allergic to dogs. That didn’t matter, HE wanted me to have one, so he demanded I rehome the cat. I rehomed him instead. The look on his face when I took him to his mother’s house was pretty priceless.People-Choose-Pet-Over-Partner
Was getting a divorce and the ex-wife demanded my dog or she’d take me to court over the house. I reluctantly gave him to her. She called me five days after taking possession of him. He was chewing everything of hers, peeing all over her and her new boyfriends house. I got him back and he never did any of that for me. Still have him and he is 15 years old now Leilani Church • is following a person