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Artsy mama
Community Member
2 posts
67 points
I am an art loving, stay at home mom, who likes to try new things!
Artsy mama • upvoted 27 items 1 year ago
cabesablanca reply
there is a company that has redesigned the prosses of nuclear fission to make a more stable, clean renewable energy source whos biproduct produces helium and no radioactive isotopes. basically made a nuclear reactor thatdoesnt produce radioactive waste and simultaneously has the ability to replenish the global helium supply that was otherwise impossiblecabesablanca reply
there is a company that has redesigned the prosses of nuclear fission to make a more stable, clean renewable energy source whos biproduct produces helium and no radioactive isotopes. basically made a nuclear reactor thatdoesnt produce radioactive waste and simultaneously has the ability to replenish the global helium supply that was otherwise impossibleShow All 27 Upvotes
Artsy mama • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Artsy mama • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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Artsy mama • upvoted 6 items 2 years ago
Show All 6 Upvotes
Artsy mama • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Artsy mama • submitted 12 list additions 2 years ago
Artsy mama • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Artsy mama • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago
Artsy mama • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
cabesablanca reply
there is a company that has redesigned the prosses of nuclear fission to make a more stable, clean renewable energy source whos biproduct produces helium and no radioactive isotopes. basically made a nuclear reactor thatdoesnt produce radioactive waste and simultaneously has the ability to replenish the global helium supply that was otherwise impossibleThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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