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Lee Gilliland
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
scorchedhalo reply
There was this time around 2005 when a B-level TV celebrity was caught on an open hot mic, talking about how he would go about sexually attacking women. Groping them and kissing them without their consent. He explained that you can get away with that when you're famous. The f****d up part was he didn't lose his job. In fact he became even more popular. His acting still sucks, but half the audience believes it to be authentic to the character. Oh and then a lot of his fans began believing in conspiracy theories that Hollywood elite are preying on children yet still supported this sexual predator even after hearing about his crimes in his own voice. Unfortunately children and women are exploited and abused around the world, but for some reason, this demographic believes that Hollywood is some hotbed of deviants, when statistically speaking there is more abuse in many other industries than show business. So yeah, that's the most f****d up thing I've seen in my 25 years in the business.