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Laura Christine
Community Member
1 posts
206 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Laura Christine • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
who-hash reply
Delivering newspapers and collecting the money. 11-15 year olds waking up at 430-5am daily. Sitting on a corner (by themselves sometimes) and riding a bike around the neighborhood trying to throw news papers onto peoples porches. Then every two weeks, going to every house to collect the money. Sometimes carrying around 50-100 dollars around in a pouch. To top it off, it was considered ok to be welcomed into the houses during winter when collecting the money. We definitely had encounters with what we considered ‘weird’ people. Now they’d be considered creepy af.Reneeisme reply
I fell out of a tall tree and broke my leg and crawled home. Just a block fortunately. But I was embarrassed that I fell (I was way too high up and a branch gave way) so I crawled in my room and lay on the floor and didn’t tell anyone. My younger sister was the only one home and she wasn’t paying attention (we were 9 and 5 and used to get left home alone all the time). Hours later my mom came home and I didn’t tell her and she only figured it out because I wouldn’t get up to get into bed. She was so pissed she made me wait till the next day to see a doctor rather than spend the night at the ER. I slept most of that afternoon and might have had a concussion too. Never got checked for anything but the leg. Do kids still get to climb trees? I did it obsessively and was mostly very careful and good at it. I don’t know what possessed me to be an idiot that day. The temptation to see further I guess.who-hash reply
Delivering newspapers and collecting the money. 11-15 year olds waking up at 430-5am daily. Sitting on a corner (by themselves sometimes) and riding a bike around the neighborhood trying to throw news papers onto peoples porches. Then every two weeks, going to every house to collect the money. Sometimes carrying around 50-100 dollars around in a pouch. To top it off, it was considered ok to be welcomed into the houses during winter when collecting the money. We definitely had encounters with what we considered ‘weird’ people. Now they’d be considered creepy af.Reneeisme reply
I fell out of a tall tree and broke my leg and crawled home. Just a block fortunately. But I was embarrassed that I fell (I was way too high up and a branch gave way) so I crawled in my room and lay on the floor and didn’t tell anyone. My younger sister was the only one home and she wasn’t paying attention (we were 9 and 5 and used to get left home alone all the time). Hours later my mom came home and I didn’t tell her and she only figured it out because I wouldn’t get up to get into bed. She was so pissed she made me wait till the next day to see a doctor rather than spend the night at the ER. I slept most of that afternoon and might have had a concussion too. Never got checked for anything but the leg. Do kids still get to climb trees? I did it obsessively and was mostly very careful and good at it. I don’t know what possessed me to be an idiot that day. The temptation to see further I guess.Show All 3 Upvotes
Laura Christine • upvoted 4 items 12 months ago
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Laura Christine • upvoted 21 items 1 year ago
After 6 Years Of Living In Apartments That Don’t Accept Animals, My Wife And I Finally Moved And Were Able To Get A Dog. Meet Gus
picking_up_pieces reply
When she was 4, my daughter got knocked over by a teen on his skateboard. He immediately stopped to apologize - and when he saw she was bleeding (cement scrapes) he ran to get a first aid kit from the shop we'd just come out of. He stayed and didn't leave my daughter's side until he knew she'd be OK, and gotten her to smile. We brought the first aid kit back - the shop was his parents and they were as apologetic as their son. Even though it was an accident, the teen owned the accident, and did everything he could to make it right. Compare that to the little s**t who knocked her over a few months later and kept on riding... She had some choice words about how well he wasn't being brought up, and I had to try not to laugh.Show All 21 Upvotes
Laura Christine • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
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Laura Christine • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
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Laura Christine • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
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Laura Christine • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Laura Christine • submitted 14 list additions 3 years ago
Laura Christine • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Laura Christine • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago
Laura Christine • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
Reneeisme reply
I fell out of a tall tree and broke my leg and crawled home. Just a block fortunately. But I was embarrassed that I fell (I was way too high up and a branch gave way) so I crawled in my room and lay on the floor and didn’t tell anyone. My younger sister was the only one home and she wasn’t paying attention (we were 9 and 5 and used to get left home alone all the time). Hours later my mom came home and I didn’t tell her and she only figured it out because I wouldn’t get up to get into bed. She was so pissed she made me wait till the next day to see a doctor rather than spend the night at the ER. I slept most of that afternoon and might have had a concussion too. Never got checked for anything but the leg. Do kids still get to climb trees? I did it obsessively and was mostly very careful and good at it. I don’t know what possessed me to be an idiot that day. The temptation to see further I guess.99titan reply
There was a swimming hole near our Alabama home in a creek. In order to use the hole, you had to throw a couple of large rocks into it. This caused the water moccasins to run out of the water and into the woods. We would then swim here. Crazy, I know.who-hash reply
Delivering newspapers and collecting the money. 11-15 year olds waking up at 430-5am daily. Sitting on a corner (by themselves sometimes) and riding a bike around the neighborhood trying to throw news papers onto peoples porches. Then every two weeks, going to every house to collect the money. Sometimes carrying around 50-100 dollars around in a pouch. To top it off, it was considered ok to be welcomed into the houses during winter when collecting the money. We definitely had encounters with what we considered ‘weird’ people. Now they’d be considered creepy af. Laura Christine • upvoted 5 items 11 months ago
Laura Christine • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
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