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Lana Lana Banana
Community Member
1 posts
1.6K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Lana Lana Banana • upvoted 28 items 1 year ago
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Lana Lana Banana • commented on 12 posts 1 year ago
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Lana Lana Banana • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Lana Lana Banana • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Lana Lana Banana • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Lana Lana Banana • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
ClassicVegtableStew reply
So I (white woman) was a preschool teacher and every morning my female students would want me to do their hair "like Elsa" (braids). I had a black student, let's call her Virtue, that saw this one day and would ask me to do hers like Elsa too. Virtue's hair was never up and always a bit of a mess. Well, I looked up tutorials and learned how to do a simple style on black/4C hair. Virtue was so happy to have her hair up like the other girls. Her mom runs over to me after the second day of this and demands to know how on earth I got Virtue to sit still without her killing me. Apparently Virtue had sensory issues with her head being touched and would essentially start kicking and biting and screaming at anyone who touched it... except me, apparently. She begged me to help with Virtue's hair again. So I, whitest girl in town, became her stylist. Her mom brought in all these products and I essentially dematted her hair over the course of an hour and would do it up. Virtue was totally chill the whole time. Eventually she grew out of the murder phase and her mom was able to do it herself again. But for a time, my weird flex was that this precious little girl only wanted me to do her hair. I wonder if she'll remember when she gets older how much we adults all cracked up about "Miss Classic does my hair right".This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Lana Lana Banana • 5 followers