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Hi! I'm Kobe, and I live in Madison, WI. Contrary to popular belief, I am a *mushroom*, not a panda. I'm bored most of the time lol. Anyways, nice meeting you! Bye for now :D
TheMagicMushroom • upvoted 21 items 3 years ago
Drew In Math Class I Know It's Kinda Bad It Took 3 Minutes Though The Word My Finger Cover Is Single By The Way
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing Your Dog Does That You Don't Think Any Other Dogs Do? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing Your Dog Does That You Don't Think Any Other Dogs Do?
My dog licks his genitals (LOL) alot. like alot alot. excessively. I have not seen him in a 10 minute period without licking his pepe or chewing his balls.Hey Pandas, What's The Scariest Dream You Ever Had?
think I have already talked about it, but a lot of things I am scared of, and then a staircase down to a basement with a door that triggers the end of the world, I remember what happened every other time I have had the dream, so all I can do is watch as someone opens the door and destroy the world, the staircase is the same as the one in the house I live in now, and the basement has almost an identical layoutHey Pandas, What's The Scariest Dream You Ever Had?
i actually never have had a real nightmare. sometimes I will think that the dream is supposed to be a nightmare but instead of getting scared I am just confused. i have had a bunch of dreams with crazy people chasing me and running like a spider but I am more amazed that they can do that without having longer legs or something. i like horror so I guess I'm just not really scared by it anymore lolHey Pandas, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
Exploding teeth. My biggest fear is to drink ice cold water, and then hot coffee, and have my teeth explode due to the extreme change of temperature!Show All 21 Upvotes
TheMagicMushroom • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing Your Dog Does That You Don't Think Any Other Dogs Do? (Closed)
Show All 15 Comments
TheMagicMushroom • submitted a new post 3 years ago
TheMagicMushroom • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
TheMagicMushroom • submitted a new post 3 years ago
TheMagicMushroom • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
TheMagicMushroom • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing Your Dog Does That You Don't Think Any Other Dogs Do? (Closed)
TheMagicMushroom • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Drew In Math Class I Know It's Kinda Bad It Took 3 Minutes Though The Word My Finger Cover Is Single By The Way
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing Your Dog Does That You Don't Think Any Other Dogs Do? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing Your Dog Does That You Don't Think Any Other Dogs Do?
My dog licks his genitals (LOL) alot. like alot alot. excessively. I have not seen him in a 10 minute period without licking his pepe or chewing his balls.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Biggest Fear?
Exploding teeth. My biggest fear is to drink ice cold water, and then hot coffee, and have my teeth explode due to the extreme change of temperature!Hey Pandas, What's The Scariest Dream You Ever Had?
i actually never have had a real nightmare. sometimes I will think that the dream is supposed to be a nightmare but instead of getting scared I am just confused. i have had a bunch of dreams with crazy people chasing me and running like a spider but I am more amazed that they can do that without having longer legs or something. i like horror so I guess I'm just not really scared by it anymore lolHey Pandas, What's The Scariest Dream You Ever Had?
think I have already talked about it, but a lot of things I am scared of, and then a staircase down to a basement with a door that triggers the end of the world, I remember what happened every other time I have had the dream, so all I can do is watch as someone opens the door and destroy the world, the staircase is the same as the one in the house I live in now, and the basement has almost an identical layoutThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
TheMagicMushroom • 11 followers