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Keller Tiemann
Community Member
1 posts
24 points
UT Alumn 2011, currently working on CanMyDogEat app which you can checkout here:
Keller Tiemann • upvoted 17 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
her own muzzle. i found out by seeing the plastic in her poop and recognizing the color. we never even put it on her and she hated the thing.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
When picking up some hidden doggie doo in my yard, I found an entire beaded bracelet in my dog's poop. My daughter didn't want it back for whatever reason. 🙄Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
We had a husky/golden lab mix. He got accidentally suck in the basement for a couple hours. He ate the couch. Only springs and wood was left. The whole damn couch. He was fine afterwards. We removed the basement door after that.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
Oh, buddy. I had a rescued husky named Cody back in college for a while before we rehomed him with a family who had 27 acres for him to run on. He was nonstop energy. A non comprehensive list of things he ate &/or destroyed with his teeth: a purple highlighter, a sweater, the wooden rails of a porch, a pack of birth control, 3 AA batteries, an asthma inhaler...I feel like I'm forgetting some memorable ones.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
cat poop. My dogs would come inside, find the litter box, and eat the poop.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
In 1999 we had a bichon frise named Belle. She ate a 2 foot tall chocolate bunny. Totally fine.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
My dog (about 100 lbs) got out of the house and into the chicken pen, demolished a live chicken and proceeded to vomit an entire wing, feathers and all onto my fn BED! He was still a puppy and prob just playing, as he wasn't aggressive, but yeah... Also one time he ate a thimble resulting in $5k emergency vet bills for a surgery that never happened...only because he freaked out and fell off the operating table, giving himself the Heimlich which dislodged it from his airway. Oh and 2 lbs of my Godiva chocolates I got at Christmas while I was 6 months pregnant (you should never steal chocolate from a hormonal pregnant lady, so rude!) God I miss that boy so much.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
My dog once devoured an entire set of movie trilogy DVD cases, complete with the DVDs inside.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
A McFlurry spoon, a pencil case and some of its content, including highlighters which led to days of fluorescent poop.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
Norwegian bricks. Allow me to explain. Many, many, many years ago (mid-1980’s) we had a black Labrador Retriever that we took in after a friend rescued her from wandering the streets. Her name was Samantha and we called her Sam. She weighed about 85 pounds, was fiercely loyal, but (omg!) she was dumb as a box of hair. A few years later we moved our mobile home out to a rural area on 5 acres and built our first house. The material used was a structural brick called Norwegian brick. After the construction was completed and we moved in, we would often see Sam lying outside with a leftover brick, happily chewing away on it as a normal dog would with a large bone. This apparently made her happy, so we did not intervene. She lived on to a ripe old age, possibly due to a diet rich in minerals, and I’ll just leave you with that word picture.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
socks, pants, t shirts, shoes, money, all my boyfriend's stuff, never mine.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
We have a 120 lb. American Bully that absolutely hates that my husband has to go to work everyday.... He punishes him by eating his jeans... 🙄😳🤣🤣... He chews the belt loops, zippers, and buttons off of them, every chance he gets... He's 2 years old and he's been chewing up his dad's jeans every time he leaves the house since he was about a month old; funny thing is, he doesn't touch anything at all in the house except for his jeans....🤣🤣🤣. I'll bet he's "eaten" over 100 buttons, zippers and belt loops, but we've had him to the Vet several times and he's in perfect health 😁😊😁....Show All 17 Upvotes
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Keller Tiemann • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Keller Tiemann • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Keller Tiemann • commented on a post 1 year ago
Keller Tiemann • upvoted 17 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
Oh, buddy. I had a rescued husky named Cody back in college for a while before we rehomed him with a family who had 27 acres for him to run on. He was nonstop energy. A non comprehensive list of things he ate &/or destroyed with his teeth: a purple highlighter, a sweater, the wooden rails of a porch, a pack of birth control, 3 AA batteries, an asthma inhaler...I feel like I'm forgetting some memorable ones.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
her own muzzle. i found out by seeing the plastic in her poop and recognizing the color. we never even put it on her and she hated the thing.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
When picking up some hidden doggie doo in my yard, I found an entire beaded bracelet in my dog's poop. My daughter didn't want it back for whatever reason. 🙄Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
We had a husky/golden lab mix. He got accidentally suck in the basement for a couple hours. He ate the couch. Only springs and wood was left. The whole damn couch. He was fine afterwards. We removed the basement door after that.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
In 1999 we had a bichon frise named Belle. She ate a 2 foot tall chocolate bunny. Totally fine.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
My dog (about 100 lbs) got out of the house and into the chicken pen, demolished a live chicken and proceeded to vomit an entire wing, feathers and all onto my fn BED! He was still a puppy and prob just playing, as he wasn't aggressive, but yeah... Also one time he ate a thimble resulting in $5k emergency vet bills for a surgery that never happened...only because he freaked out and fell off the operating table, giving himself the Heimlich which dislodged it from his airway. Oh and 2 lbs of my Godiva chocolates I got at Christmas while I was 6 months pregnant (you should never steal chocolate from a hormonal pregnant lady, so rude!) God I miss that boy so much.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
My dog once devoured an entire set of movie trilogy DVD cases, complete with the DVDs inside.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
socks, pants, t shirts, shoes, money, all my boyfriend's stuff, never mine.What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
I'll start. Cigarette butts and rocks are the craziest things my dog has ever eaten!Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
cat poop. My dogs would come inside, find the litter box, and eat the poop.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
Norwegian bricks. Allow me to explain. Many, many, many years ago (mid-1980’s) we had a black Labrador Retriever that we took in after a friend rescued her from wandering the streets. Her name was Samantha and we called her Sam. She weighed about 85 pounds, was fiercely loyal, but (omg!) she was dumb as a box of hair. A few years later we moved our mobile home out to a rural area on 5 acres and built our first house. The material used was a structural brick called Norwegian brick. After the construction was completed and we moved in, we would often see Sam lying outside with a leftover brick, happily chewing away on it as a normal dog would with a large bone. This apparently made her happy, so we did not intervene. She lived on to a ripe old age, possibly due to a diet rich in minerals, and I’ll just leave you with that word picture.Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?
We have a 120 lb. American Bully that absolutely hates that my husband has to go to work everyday.... He punishes him by eating his jeans... 🙄😳🤣🤣... He chews the belt loops, zippers, and buttons off of them, every chance he gets... He's 2 years old and he's been chewing up his dad's jeans every time he leaves the house since he was about a month old; funny thing is, he doesn't touch anything at all in the house except for his jeans....🤣🤣🤣. I'll bet he's "eaten" over 100 buttons, zippers and belt loops, but we've had him to the Vet several times and he's in perfect health 😁😊😁....This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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