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3 posts
153 points
Hey I’m cyberspace05 I like to draw and do other things And I love mcyt and I love to do drawings of them and stuff too!!! I love their streams and lore and well I’m kinda getting carried away so I’ll stop. Anyway have a good morning/evening.
Cyberspace05 • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Cyberspace05 • upvoted 13 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is A Timeline In History That You Wish Never Happened?
I think I would keep all of them. Not because they were all good, don't get me wrong, but because if something bad was avoided, something even worse could have happened instead.Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Compliment That You’ve Been Given?
I was told I had a pretty voice (I had always thought that my voice sounded stupid)Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Compliment That You’ve Been Given?
We have a huge yard and several large oak trees. In the fall I rake the yard as my workout (as opposed to using the leaf blower). I had spent all morning raking, the leaf pile was almost as tall my 8 year old. A pro landscaping team showed up to do my neighbors yard. One of the guys pointed to my leaf pile and pointed to his rake. I flexed, he flexed back and said "Strong girl. You go!"Show All 13 Upvotes
Cyberspace05 • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
Show All 14 Comments
Cyberspace05 • submitted 11 list additions 3 years ago
Cyberspace05 • started following a person 3 years ago
Cyberspace05 • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Cyberspace05 • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Cyberspace05 • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Cyberspace05 • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is A Timeline In History That You Wish Never Happened?
I think I would keep all of them. Not because they were all good, don't get me wrong, but because if something bad was avoided, something even worse could have happened instead.Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Compliment That You’ve Been Given?
Well, when I was singing for my singing lessons, I was singing a No Doubt song, and my teacher said I had a voice like Gwen Stafani's. It made me really happy!Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Compliment That You’ve Been Given?
I was told I had a pretty voice (I had always thought that my voice sounded stupid)Hey Pandas, What’s The Best Compliment That You’ve Been Given?
We have a huge yard and several large oak trees. In the fall I rake the yard as my workout (as opposed to using the leaf blower). I had spent all morning raking, the leaf pile was almost as tall my 8 year old. A pro landscaping team showed up to do my neighbors yard. One of the guys pointed to my leaf pile and pointed to his rake. I flexed, he flexed back and said "Strong girl. You go!"Hey Pandas, What’s The Craziest Moment You’ve Experienced While On A School Trip?
Umm so it wasn’t necessarily a school trip but it was a summer camp trip. We were going to Jackson Hole,Wyoming and they had to fit 3 people to a seat for the trip me and my friend sat next to a boy at the window seat. It was a long drive so my friend ended up sleeping on my shoulder and I ended up falling asleep on the boy’s shoulder. I woke up and was super embarrassed and I didn’t talk to him for the rest of camp out of embarrassment. Cyberspace05 • is following 5 people
Cyberspace05 • 60 followers