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70 points
Hiiiii my name is keairra :D I also go by “Queen K” because I am the queen of the unicorns. I also love music and cars. I am a girl my pronouns are she/her :P and I am Gynesexual.
Keairra • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago
Keairra • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
Show All 9 Comments
Keairra • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Thing Your So-Called Best Friend Said To You?
My only friends are my stuffies :D and they don’t talk. To much 🙃Hey Pandas What Is The Worst Thing Your So Called Best Friend Said To You
I had a friend that complained to me that she didn't have any friends. It made me feel like she was saying I wasn't her friend. Side note: I couldn't help but notice that you were posting a lot about bad experiences with friends, if you need any advice or support, I'm here to listen and helpHey Pandas! ;) What's The Trait You Changed In Yourself For Your Partner
I never have hade a partner 😅 but if I did they get what they see no changes they can either deal with it or leave ☺️Hay Pandas, Can You Help Me Out? (Read Description)
It's okay if you don't know know ifbyou are straight, bisexual, or something else. If you have a crush on the girl it's good, you don't always need a label. If you do figure it out, that's great. I know multiple people who have gone through a few gender labels to find the right one. Also, best of luck on your crush!What Is Your Favourite Colour/S?
Light blue and pink like cotton candy. Or rainbow >:D like a UNICORN !!!!!Show All 20 Upvotes
Keairra • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Keairra • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Keairra • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Thing Your So-Called Best Friend Said To You?
My only friends are my stuffies :D and they don’t talk. To much 🙃Hey Pandas What Is The Worst Thing Your So Called Best Friend Said To You
I had a friend that complained to me that she didn't have any friends. It made me feel like she was saying I wasn't her friend. Side note: I couldn't help but notice that you were posting a lot about bad experiences with friends, if you need any advice or support, I'm here to listen and helpHey Pandas! ;) What's The Trait You Changed In Yourself For Your Partner
I never have hade a partner 😅 but if I did they get what they see no changes they can either deal with it or leave ☺️Hay Pandas, Can You Help Me Out? (Read Description)
It's okay if you don't know know ifbyou are straight, bisexual, or something else. If you have a crush on the girl it's good, you don't always need a label. If you do figure it out, that's great. I know multiple people who have gone through a few gender labels to find the right one. Also, best of luck on your crush!What Is Your Favourite Colour/S?
Light blue and pink like cotton candy. Or rainbow >:D like a UNICORN !!!!!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Keairra • 27 followers