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The sword
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The sword • submitted a new post 1 year ago
The sword • commented on a post 1 year ago
The sword • upvoted 27 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Former teacher here...your kids are not stupid. They hear and take in everything, including *how* you say it to them. Don't assume you have to "dumb down" things for them. In fact, they will astound you with what they can do if you let them! From art to math to music and more, I've seen kids do really cool stuff over the years when they weren't stifled by low expectations.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
I read this post this morning and everything that was said made sense, was good advice. That was 14 hours ago and in that time, nineteen babies were wiped from this planet. NINETEEN little ones who left for school this morning but now, will never be dismissed for home again. Nineteen tiny souls who never stood a chance and it's partly, if not all, down to the fact that at least half of the most powerful men and women in our federal government will not vote on universal background checks that would supposedly prevent massacres like today's. It's been two years since this bill was introduced, but guess what? Its sitting in limbo and what good it might have done is now nothing but a pipe dream. This bill might have done some good but even if it was enacted tomorrow, it would be too little, too late. That f*****g boat has set sail, been torched and is now sinking. It's too late for "safeguards" that were supposed to stop these nightmares. There are no safeguards that will have any effect on the weaponry available to obviously anyone with a pulse. At this point, the only reasonable solution is to take away all of it, like they have done in other countries. Keep your hunting rifles, that is fine, but there needs to be a system in place that ensures a more thorough licensing process in order to own and use that rifle. Don't want to give up your God damned assault rifle collection? Too. F*****g. Bad. Want to scream about your civil liberties? Go the f**k ahead. Tonight, there are nineteen babies who will never have the chance to enjoy ANY civil liberties afforded to us as citizens of this country. I'm ashamed of this country, especially in light of the last dozen years. We are not what was meant to be. So, go ahead and raise hell in defiance of gun control laws, but know this - your children and loved ones are not ANY safer because you own an assault rifle. If this were the case, where are you and your stash of semiautomatics when innocents around this country are being wiped off the face of this planet? How have you and your arsenal not prevented these horrors? The seemingly number one argument for the right to bear arms is the need to protect your families, but if this is the case, why the bloody hell are nineteen babies dead tonight? Where were you when you and your AK47 could have been defending the lives of innocents? Not in the line of fire because obviously your reasonings are complete bullshiit. So, that being said, the question of what today's parents need to know is this: know that your families have turned into mere cannon fodder and tomorrow's gun casualties. Know that there is no bastion for safety in this country. Know that we need to get our heads out of our asses and set about making this nightmare something we stand a chance of waking up from. I know this is not the response Natalia was looking for but it's the only submission that would work for this rant and I really needed to rant. Thank you for the space to do this, Natalia.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
I strongly agree with a lot of these responses. They are mainly common sense and highly reasonable contributions. The one about gender and sex though. I mean, it threw me for a loop momentarily because I immediately started trying to figure what age was the most appropriate to entertain such kinds of discussions with your child. Help...Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Teach your kids to name their feelings. When they’re little you guide them - “are you feeling frustrated because you wanted to spend more time at Target today?” - and talk about why they feel that way and what they can do to feel better. If they can name it and claim it, they can tame it. Getting kids into the habit of that type of self-awareness, self-regulation, and openness is valuable.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
I am hugely appreciative of the way I was raised: my parents treated me more like they were my senior co-worker rather than my boss. Instead of giving orders and responding with either rewards or punishment, they gave guidance, recommendations and examples, and would respond with either praise or disappointment. It made a huge impact on me, and allowed me to feel free and respected, while also feeling respect towards them as well. I had no rebellious or even annoyed/aloof stage. I always appreciated their presence, at whatever distance.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Accept them for who they are. Get them a binder, get them a packer (if they're of age), get them the proper love they deserve. If your child isn't who you want them to be, too bad. You can't change what someone knows themselves to be.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Do all the things when they are young. They will grow up on you and need their space, give it to them, but be accessible. Simply asking how the day went consistently opens a door to discussion if they have something serious to discuss. Admitting when you're wrong is just as important as helping them take the right path. Teach them life skills that you wish were taught in schools, including how to keep a budget, file a tax return, cook, clean, and do laundry. Never forget you're preparing them for life without you and never let them forget you're on their side the whole time, no matter what!Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Stole Something? If So Say In The Comments
Yeah, I used to steal alot when I was a teenager. Clothes, jewelry, knick knacks, cheap c**p from the mall. However, the most substantial thing I stole was approximately $1200 from my grandmothers husband, (or maybe my mom, I'll explain). My grandmother died when I was 17, and her money, which was around $35,000 (which we had NO idea she had that much) went to Don (her husband). However, he wasn't able to take care of himself. He was in his 90's and had several medical issues, so my mother became his caregiver and was made power of attorney. A good portion of the money was used for his expenses and eventually senior housing, but there was still alot left. I forged my mother's signature on a withdrawal slip and went to the bank drive through because I knew that this bank was pretty lackadaisical. I would take out $100 here, $50 there...i did this for several months. I'm not proud of it. However, my grandmother's husband was a horrible person who abused my grandmother. I do feel bad that I took the money because it eventually went to my mother after he passed. We were poor growing up. My mother worked 2 jobs to care for us. She did get a nice chunk of change, and I did tell my mother was I did about 10 years later. She just laughed.Hey, Pandas, Which Things Do You Think Today's Parents Must Know?
Your kids are people. Speak to them no worse than you would speak to a coworker. Give them at least that much courtesy. I used to say this to my now ex. The least you can do is give me the courtesy you'd give to a coworker. Meaning no insults, no yelling, and no draconian punishments. Kids generally are just learning and making honest mistakes. The more you clamp down the more they will rebel and fight you. Lead by example. Parent or partner with kindness, respect, and love, and that is what your kids will learn.Show All 27 Upvotes
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The sword • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago