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2 posts
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PastelPoison • upvoted 40 items 3 years ago
Not everyone is meant to raise a child. Just because you can biologically create a child or financially support one does not mean you are meant to raise one.Babysitters-Reveal-Dark-Secrets-Seemingly-Normal-Parents
I babysat for them a few times. 3 kids, 1 eldest son, a pair of twins and a pair of doting parents. One of the twins was transgender, MTF. She was lovely, bubbly and a joy to be around. It was also really nice that the parents were super supportive of her. Included in their library were a few books on trans related issues,including that I am Jazz book. It wasn't a hands on job. They mostly liked to watch whatever kids movie DVD and I would go on my laptop and do college work. Sometimes the twin would ask me to "help be pretty" and I would show her how to braid hair and s**t like that. The other twin who was a cis boy sometimes got involved but the eldest never did. I figured it was early 13 year old dude trying to be cool thing that everyone goes through and just let him be. One day the parents came home as we were finishing doing our nails. The twins ran up to show the parents their nail colours and I was getting my payment when the eldest spoke up and said "you shouldn't pay her cause she's turning the other one into a f*ggot as well". It was like time froze and everyone's mouths just dropped. I was hurried out of the house while I heard the little girl ask "what's a f*ggot". I wasn't asked over to babysit again. At first I thought it was because they thought I taught him that word but I quickly heard Village gossip that the eldest son was expelled from school for brandishing "disrespectful iconography" and they had to move somewhere else to put him in a different school. It's been like 10 years now and I actually recently looked them up. Both twins are doing fine. He's training to be a pilot and she's in the catering business and is excited to start the hormone treatment. The eldest on the other hand is like poster boy white supremacist. Nazi salute and everything. I don't get it. Like the narrative of him not getting enough attention or getting picked on because of his sister doesnt even fit cause he was really high up on the soccer team and his parents and classmates loved him. He just fell into this s**tty hate spiral that he yet to come out of. I hope he snaps out of it one day but I hope at least he's leaving his sister alone. No one deserves to be called that word.Babysitters-Reveal-Dark-Secrets-Seemingly-Normal-Parents
I'm not sure of this counts but this is my secret between myself and my nephew. My sister was 23/24 and she was going through her divorce. She and her 3 year old son came to live with us. I was in high school at the time and devoted all of my after school time to him. He and I were close. We were so close I would be on the couch with him in my lap at 3am watching In the Night Garden for the billionth time, still in my school uniform but now smelling of regurgitated milk and doing math homework with my left arm. Mean while my sister would be out partying and what not. One day, it was just my nephew and I. At the time he was i think around 4? I was in my school uniform, getting ready to leave for school. He was "helping" me get ready by putting his favorite toys in my bag. As I was heading out, I told him that I loved him like usual and he replied "I love you too mummy". I was stunned but I was already running late so I brushed it off and went to school. After that, when we were alone, my nephew started calling me "mummy". He was genuine. I asked him "What about mummy?" And he tells me how "she doesnt really love me, you love me. And nanny loves me". I tried to encourage him to call me auntie again and he did when others were around but when we were alone, he looked at me with his sweet little eyes and called me "mummy". He eventually says "I wish you were my real mummy". Tantrums become more common for him. He throws them when his mum is around and begins to avoid her hugs. Her hugs were only there to pose for selfies and to show off what a good parent she is. He would start crying and screaming and get sent to his room for misbehaving. My mum (nanny) and my sister would go out and leave me in charge. I would then go to my nephew and give him a big ol' bear hug. I'm not the parent and he isn't my child but our secret was mutual. I wished he were my child and he wished I was his mum. We had to keep our wishes secret because if my sister knew that I was ruining her image by taking all of the mother-son love then hell would have broken loose. She was all about "self image" to the point she became a compulsive liar and she also has some other mental problems. His teachers noticed our bond when he entered primary school and his afterschool baby sitters knew about his "other mum". My nephew is 10 now. I don't know if he remembers any of this but the other day was my birthday and for the very first time, he tried to earn money through chores to by me a gift himself. It was a squirtle amiibo. TL;DR My baby nephew and I developed a secret mother/son bond that only teachers and babysitters picked up on and it had to be secret because his real mum is crazy.Babysitters-Reveal-Dark-Secrets-Seemingly-Normal-Parents
Not so much as dark but really sad. I baby sat for a typical upper middle class family, dad worked mom was stay at home. The mother was always a little over protective like checking on their daughter the second they got home, but I didn't think much of it. One night they came home and we talked a little. She mentioned how much she loved children and her daughter so I asked her if they ever thought about having another. She completely broke down and explained that she had multiple miscarriages before and after her daughter so they stopped trying. I felt really awful and really sad because it seems like she wanted another baby.Babysitters-Reveal-Dark-Secrets-Seemingly-Normal-Parents
Somewhat wholesome story: I used to babysit for the kids down the street when I was in high school. One night I went into the parents’ bedroom to get something - I think a puzzle - and there was a book on the nightstand called “how to comfort your kids when you’re thinking of divorce” or something like that. The next time I was over, there was a book downstairs (on the mom’s desk) that was “the couples’ therapists’ guide to saving a failing relationship.” It made me sad because the parents seemed really happy together whenever I saw them. I felt bad that they must have been going through a hard time behind the scenes. My parents had a pretty unhappy marriage so I tried to be extra nice to the kids. I hoped they hadn’t had to listen to their parents fighting. Anyway, this went on for a few months with no further indications of trouble. I felt like I knew this awful secret that the kids didn’t know. One night I came over to babysit—the mom was in grad school and she had a class—and the same books were sitting on the counter. As the mom was leaving, she was like, “oh, I can’t forget the textbooks!” and grabbed them off the counter. I actually didn’t know what she was studying, so I asked what class she had. Turns out she was studying to be a couples’ and family therapist. The books I saw were her schoolbooks. In retrospect, that made complete sense because the titles were kind of academic, but I immediately assumed they were divorcing. About a decade later, they are still married and the wife is a very successful couples and family therapist. Go figure.Hotel-Workers-Share-Annoying-Things-Guests-Do
Worked a summer in spain (Gran Canaria) as a part of a 'new' kids entertainment program. The s**t I saw was unbelievable, from parents dropping their kids of at 9AM and forgetting them to pick up at 6PM (or showing up drunk; which kind of forced me to ask the kid if he/she wanted to play some more untill their parents were sober). To kids just throwing stuff and hitting other kids because they lost a game. In general the most annoying thing is parents just incompletely neglecting their kids, causing the kids to tear up because I have to tell them mommy and daddy aren't coming yet because they were stuck in traffic (whilst they were most likely on the beach drinking tequila). The thing that will always stick with me is a little girl who was on vacation with her parents and another couple (maybe uncle/aunt?). This girl got dropped off at 8AM, even though we weren't open untill 9, by a parent with a hangover and they didn't pick her up untill after the 'kids-show', which was from 830-930PM. Because of this the girl never ate with her family, causing her to miss meals a lot. This family stayed for two weeks and in the last week the mom (drunk of course) showed up at 10PM to pick this girl up, because I was getting kind of sick of the parents behavior I kindly requested her to drop the kid of on time, pick her up on time and for god sakes... eat dinner with her kid. This woman just lost her s**t, screaming at me that I can't tell her what to do, that I should do my job and take care of her kid and that I should stop trying to steal her kid with gifts (I bought the girl a swimsuit from my own money because she didn't have one and we had 'swimming-games'). Next morning the kid shows up at my room, on her own, with a blue eye and her lip teared open (at like 7AM). I immediately take her to the head of the hotel, who called someone from the med-bay and the police. I tell the boss all that happened and that the parents were neglecting and beating their kid. 15 minutes later two drunk parents show up, screaming I should be fired for kidnapping their kid and that they are demanding a huge sum of money from the hotel. I'm not sure what really happened to the girl (all though there were rumours the parents got sued for child neglect and she moved to her grandmother). After this happened the hotel gave me a paid stay at their hotel for the upcoming 3 weeks I was supposed to work there.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
"You've never beaten me or told me I couldn't do something. Is that normal?" My first girlfriend told me that. I have never felt such a wave of anger, sadness, and heartbreak wash over me like I did when I heard thatFrustrating-Service-Industry-Stories
If it matters, I was behind the bar when this happened. So, tonight I(25/f) had a man(40?m), as I was ringing in an order on the POS, say: "Hey." I looked up at him. He said, "I'm picturing you naked right now." I said, "Oh? Are you impressed by my massive horse c**k?" I have never seen a grown man rethink his existence so quickly. His friends laughed, many a swordfight joke was made, I (hypothetically) won them all. I just..... there will never be something so satisfying happen to me at work ever again.Frustrating-Service-Industry-Stories
My restaurant has switched over to carry out only due to current events, which hasn’t been too horrible for the most part.That is until we started seeing a new, weekly customer. Now, it isn’t the worst thing we’ve had to deal with but after a while it starts to grate on your nerves. A normal interaction with him goes as such: Me: Hi, how are you? C: Ignores everything Me: Are you picking up? C: Nods his head once Me: Whats the name for the order? C: sighs the most long suffering sigh you ever did hear Name Me: Alright, your total is [amount] And that’s usually it. But ever since I had the nerve to remind this customer that they have to wear a mask indoors due to the Governor’s orders, he’s become increasingly snippy and combative. He came in and tried to pay with $100 bills for a $12 order. When I informed him we don’t accept $50 or $100 bills (and even pointed to the prominent sign which said so), he got this stupid smirk on his face. C: Well, I only have $100 Me: I’m sorry, unless you have a card you have to pay with smaller bills. The gas station down the street might be able to cash it for you. C: I only have $100 and I don’t think I brought my card. Me: Sir, this is a small store, we simply don’t have the change. He finally put the stack of bills away and magically had a card. I was stupid to think that’d be the end of it though. 2. He came in and put down two rolls of coins. $10 in the form of quarters and $5 in the form of dimes. Once again he had this smirk on his face like he won a game he created. Little does (did?) he know that I’m super petty. I will play someone’s game and I will win it. So, I unwrap the coins and start counting them out in front of him. After I’m through with the quarters, I go to pick up the dimes and he interrupts me. C: It’s wrapped for five, you can just put it in and give me the change. Me: I’m sorry, I have to make sure it’s all there. We have had trouble with this before. C: Oh... So, I count out the rest of the change that I needed from the dimes and, instead of giving the dollar bills he probably wanted, I scooped the rest of the dimes up and gave them back. Granted, it was super petty and I shouldn’t have done it, but. I’m tired of customers coming in like they’re God’s gift to Earth just because of the current state of the world.Frustrating-Service-Industry-Stories
It was a group of middle aged guys. They’re regulars, but they’re annoying as hell, and they always ask for the hottest server. As a host, i usually just sit them with whoever. The last time they came in, I sat them with D, a really sweet black girl who’s one of our best servers. They were FURIOUS. They never said anything to me or a manager, but they claimed everything was wrong. The food was too cold. The drinks were flat. She was way too slow. She was rude. They left a 25¢ tip and left not long after. This time, they specified they wanted a hot WHITE server. I said “okay!” and with a smile, I walked them over to their table. I specifically sat them with the only male server, a tall, black, bodybuilder who towered over all of them. He’s a really cool guy, but he can be slightly intimidating to people that don’t know him just due to his stature. They never said a word.Frustrating-Service-Industry-Stories
I will never forget this couple that came in and sat down at table 24. They were an old couple. I’m talking both gray haired and over dressed to be at a pizza restaurant. I will say I did give them excellent service despite my frazzledness of starting a new job. I was feelin it, and felt great about handling all of my tables...until I did mess up. The man at table 24 handed me his card to close out. I’m BUSY.. like didn’t even have time to pick a wedgie if I had one, busy. I go to the computer and swipe his card. Admittedly I forgot to print out the itemized receipt, which I get can be very frustrating. Man at table 24 had every right to be upset. But instead of asking me to grab the itemized receipt, he began to LOUDLY, in a small room, with a deep and firm tone tell me how horrible I am at my job. That no wonder I only got as far in life as working at a pizza shop. He kept going on with these TERRIBLE comments and wouldn’t let me walk away when I tried. So now all of my other tables just saw me get ripped a new asshole, and I’m in the weeds after wasting time getting yelled at by this guy. The owner of the restaurant must have come in at some point. He saw this man yelling at me, came up to the table and did the most bad ass thing I’ve ever seen. Owner: “Excuse me sir,” he says to the man at table 24, “I am the owner of this establishment. I’m not sure what the problem is here and frankly, I don’t care. What I do care about is you belittling my waitress. So I’m going to ask you and your wife to leave and not come back to my restaurant.” Man at table 24: “Fine but you’ll be losing our business.” Owner: “I really don’t care, and don’t want people like you in my restaurant anyway.” It was the coolest shit I had ever seen. The owner STOOD THERE AND WAITED for these people to leave. It was f@#$%&g bad ass. After they left the owner came up to me and said: “F@#k those people. You’re doing a great job and I wouldn’t have hired you if you didn’t show potential. If anyone else talks to you like that I want you to tell them to f@#k off and get out. I don’t want their money.”Frustrating-Service-Industry-Stories
Last fall I hired a young African American man. I wouldn’t say his race was even consciously considered by me and he has been by no means incompetent in his job. There are occasional reminders and constant gentle pressure given towards certain areas of improvement, but that’s how it goes with all of my staff. However, complaints about his service have been disproportionate compared to all our other servers. Example: “that kid over there is talking to someone when he should be bringing our drinks.” Well okay, that someone is the business owner and when I checked the ticket they had been waiting for their drinks for about two minutes. They got their drinks about 30 seconds later. There have been about 6 or so instances of this in the past two months. And you know what’s common about these complaints? They’re all coming from boomer generation white men. Now there are issues such as a meal item being wrong, but those types of errors are almost evenly distributed across all staff. But these complaints about standing around, meandering, are always directed towards him, and when I check on the issue he’s always doing something job related. Hell the guy has about a 100% record for coming in when called in or asked to stay late. He has a great work ethic. But Jesus f@#$%&g Christ it’s interesting and very sad to see some of the s**t I’m sure many African Americans have to put up with.Weirdest-Coincidences
Around six or seven years ago, a large portion of my neighborhood burned down in the fires that swept through southern california. While helping my friend's family pick through the rubble of their home for anything that could be salvaged, I saw a speck of white paper in the midst of one of the more blackened areas. I picked it up and read it--the only text on this bit of paper, left over after the rest of the page had burned away, was "from the ashes, new life is born".Show All 40 Upvotes
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PastelPoison • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
PastelPoison • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Not everyone is meant to raise a child. Just because you can biologically create a child or financially support one does not mean you are meant to raise one.Babysitters-Reveal-Dark-Secrets-Seemingly-Normal-Parents
Not so much as dark but really sad. I baby sat for a typical upper middle class family, dad worked mom was stay at home. The mother was always a little over protective like checking on their daughter the second they got home, but I didn't think much of it. One night they came home and we talked a little. She mentioned how much she loved children and her daughter so I asked her if they ever thought about having another. She completely broke down and explained that she had multiple miscarriages before and after her daughter so they stopped trying. I felt really awful and really sad because it seems like she wanted another baby.Babysitters-Reveal-Dark-Secrets-Seemingly-Normal-Parents
I babysat for them a few times. 3 kids, 1 eldest son, a pair of twins and a pair of doting parents. One of the twins was transgender, MTF. She was lovely, bubbly and a joy to be around. It was also really nice that the parents were super supportive of her. Included in their library were a few books on trans related issues,including that I am Jazz book. It wasn't a hands on job. They mostly liked to watch whatever kids movie DVD and I would go on my laptop and do college work. Sometimes the twin would ask me to "help be pretty" and I would show her how to braid hair and s**t like that. The other twin who was a cis boy sometimes got involved but the eldest never did. I figured it was early 13 year old dude trying to be cool thing that everyone goes through and just let him be. One day the parents came home as we were finishing doing our nails. The twins ran up to show the parents their nail colours and I was getting my payment when the eldest spoke up and said "you shouldn't pay her cause she's turning the other one into a f*ggot as well". It was like time froze and everyone's mouths just dropped. I was hurried out of the house while I heard the little girl ask "what's a f*ggot". I wasn't asked over to babysit again. At first I thought it was because they thought I taught him that word but I quickly heard Village gossip that the eldest son was expelled from school for brandishing "disrespectful iconography" and they had to move somewhere else to put him in a different school. It's been like 10 years now and I actually recently looked them up. Both twins are doing fine. He's training to be a pilot and she's in the catering business and is excited to start the hormone treatment. The eldest on the other hand is like poster boy white supremacist. Nazi salute and everything. I don't get it. Like the narrative of him not getting enough attention or getting picked on because of his sister doesnt even fit cause he was really high up on the soccer team and his parents and classmates loved him. He just fell into this s**tty hate spiral that he yet to come out of. I hope he snaps out of it one day but I hope at least he's leaving his sister alone. No one deserves to be called that word. PastelPoison • 47 followers