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karl briggs
Community Member
1 posts
18K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
karl briggs • commented on 3 posts 8 months ago
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karl briggs • upvoted 16 items 8 months ago
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karl briggs • upvoted 15 items 9 months ago
My Greatest Thrift Find Ever. When I Bought It I Only Thought The Dots Would Glow. I Was Shocked When I Turned It On!! Best $10 I Ever Spent. Hope House Foundation Thrift Shop, Norfolk Va
TheBassMeister reply
All the failed assassination attempts against Fidel Castro. According to Fabian Escalante, who worked for the Cuban counter intelligence, there were 638 of them. Here are some highlights:* In 1960 they tried to poison his cigars.
* They asked the Chicago Mob for help and they said poison pills are the best. The Mobsters hired a local assassin, who gave them to a ice cream/milkshake parlor employee who was supposed to slip them into Castro's ice cream. When he tried to get the poison pills from the freezer, they were frozen solid on the coils of the freezer.
* They planned to put explosives under a painted sea shell, as Castro loved to go scuba diving and collect sea shells. The plan was discarded as impractical
* In the same year they contaminated a scuba diving suit for Castro with a fungus that should give Castro a deadly disease. The person tasked with this, American Lawyer James Donovan, who was negotiating the release of hostages after the bay of pigs invasion, couldn't do it in the end.
* They trained his lover to poison him, but she got cold feet.
* They had a James Bond like idea of poising him with a tiny needle attached to a ball point pen. The government official who was supposed to stab him with that needle, threw the pen away, as he was too afraid that the needle might accidentally poison him instead.
* Last but not least they had the idea to assassinate his character by spraying a LSD like chemical into the broadcasting studio where he held his speeches. The idea was to make him look confused and unfit to rule. The plan was abandoned as the chemical was unreliable.
hameater reply
Lost a ring shovelling snow one winter when I took my gloves off. That autumn, raking leaves while chatting to a friend I said ‘wouldn’t it be neat if I found my ring?’ That exact moment I looked down and found my ring.blueova23 reply
Childhood best friend moved away when we were 10 years old never to be seen or spoken to again until we ran into each other in Iraq 11 years later while both deployed.StarChaser_Tyger reply
I was in the back of the house, and looked out the back window, saw it was raining and yelled to my brother he should bring his laundry in. He was in the living room at the front of the house, looked out the window, blue sky and sun, no rain. He said I was crazy, I told him to come look. We went out the front door, and it was raining in the back yard. A line that stopped right at the peak of the roof as far left and right as you could see.Show All 15 Upvotes
karl briggs • upvoted 2 items 10 months ago
karl briggs • upvoted 4 items 11 months ago
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karl briggs • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
karl briggs • submitted 10 list additions 2 years ago
karl briggs • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
karl briggs • commented on 3 posts 8 months ago
karl briggs • commented on a post 11 months ago
karl briggs • commented on 16 posts 1 year ago
karl briggs • upvoted 20 items 8 months ago
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