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kallee the frog
Community Member
4 posts
509 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
kallee the frog • upvoted an item 1 year ago
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kallee the frog • submitted a new post 2 years ago
kallee the frog • upvoted 31 items 2 years ago
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“A Bit Weird, But Okay”: Our Community Shares The Weirdest Compliments They Ever Received (40 Stories)
Foxtrottings reply
I can't remember the word "lid" half the time. So during work I sometimes run to the back in search of "drink hats". I get weird looks a lot...starshock990 reply
To this day most of my family refers to a strainer/colander as a "noodle stay, water go" because my older brother called it that once when he couldn't find it and needed to ask where it was.HungryParr0t reply
My friend couldn't remember the word "cow" for some reason, so she googled "moo beast" to remember.Girlfriend Got To Hear Her Boyfriend Tell His Cats About How Cute She Was
My boyfriend, early on in our relationship, we would talk on the phone before going to sleep. He's terrible about hanging up first, so I got to hear him tell his cats about how cute I am Funny
People Are Sharing The Weirdest And Wildest Reasons Why They Got Their Nicknames, And Here Are 30 Hilarious Tweets
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kallee the frog • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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kallee the frog • submitted 14 list additions 2 years ago
kallee the frog • commented on a post 1 year ago
kallee the frog • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
kallee the frog • upvoted an item 1 year ago
kallee the frog • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago
Foxtrottings reply
I can't remember the word "lid" half the time. So during work I sometimes run to the back in search of "drink hats". I get weird looks a lot...the_slippery_shoe reply
This came to my mind when I read a post on Reddit where a girl called a feather a "bird leaf".goatywizard reply
At one point I started googling "map of the year" because my brain short-circuited and I couldn't recall the word "calendar".Arie008 reply
When my sister was young, she didn't know the word "cemetary" so she just called it a "dead-people field".Pepsistopheles reply
At Target, I asked for "a can of bug-murder". I forgot "insecticide" or even "bug spray". The dude took it in stride, didn't flinch.bad_idea_theater reply
I can't remember who said it, but ever since I heard a person call a cupcake a party muffin they are permanently renamed in my mind.HungryParr0t reply
My friend couldn't remember the word "cow" for some reason, so she googled "moo beast" to remember.starshock990 reply
To this day most of my family refers to a strainer/colander as a "noodle stay, water go" because my older brother called it that once when he couldn't find it and needed to ask where it was.Girlfriend Got To Hear Her Boyfriend Tell His Cats About How Cute She Was
My boyfriend, early on in our relationship, we would talk on the phone before going to sleep. He's terrible about hanging up first, so I got to hear him tell his cats about how cute I amSecret_Squirrel97 reply
I was a phlebotomy instructor (sorry not a “teacher teacher”) and one of my students(fresh outta hs) was practicing on an elderly patient and he asked her if she was going to take all of his blood. She responded quite joyfully “yes, I’m gonna suck you dryyy!” The old man got the funniest surprised look on his face and I about lost it but somehow kept it together. Oh man, the look in her face and the 50 shades of red she turned after she realized how that came across….absolutely priceless. Will never forget thatAprils-Fool reply
Two 8-year-olds got into a tiff. Kid #1 got mad at kid #2. In typical 8-year-old fashion, kid #1 told kid #2, “I’m not your friend any more and you’re not invited to any more of my birthday parties.” Kid #2 responded, “I only went to your party for the cake.”themoonhasgone reply
don't know how my teacher kept a straight face on this tbh.... history teacher would always say "let's get quizzical" when we had a quiz. one day we had a test so my friend raised his hand "oh Mr m don't you mean 'let's get testical'?" teacher just said " you can do that on your own time Brian" as our 8th grade class lost our s**t. kallee the frog • is following 4 people