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Kabort Motorsport
Community Member
7 posts
35 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Kabort Motorsport • commented on a post 1 year ago
Kabort Motorsport • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • submitted 6 new posts 2 years ago
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Kabort Motorsport • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
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Kabort Motorsport • commented on a post 3 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • upvoted an item 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Interesting "Pretend" Game You Played As A Kid Or Know A Kid Played?
Me and the neighborhood kids had this huge fantasy RPG style story going. It was intricate, with twist villains, "seasons" to accommodate the different plot lines after one ended. I wielded a wooden sword and was a warrior who also turned into a wolf avenging the murder of her father, and I remember another girl was a "changeling panda", and one boy was an evil wizard. There were like 5+ of us on the street involved with playing "Animaltopia". I don’t remember every detail, as this was like 8 years ago, but I remember the first arc was our party was trying to take down the bad guy who threatened our land. In a twist, it wasn’t the evil wizard but the panda girl (who didn’t even know it until I accused her lol) and the "real" panda had been replaced all along with the changeling. Another arc was that a cat from the real world was going around and messing with the magic by introducing science. We also used to go on mini missions when not everyone was available to play. It got so intricate and creative that the girl who played the panda said she'd be the one to write the novel series one day. That wasn’t even the only interesting game we all played (just the most intricate and non Pokémon based one). Those were most certainly the days, and thanks for letting me reminisce a bit. Kabort Motorsport • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • submitted 6 new posts 2 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • commented on a post 1 year ago
Kabort Motorsport • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • commented on a post 3 years ago
Kabort Motorsport • upvoted an item 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Interesting "Pretend" Game You Played As A Kid Or Know A Kid Played?
Me and the neighborhood kids had this huge fantasy RPG style story going. It was intricate, with twist villains, "seasons" to accommodate the different plot lines after one ended. I wielded a wooden sword and was a warrior who also turned into a wolf avenging the murder of her father, and I remember another girl was a "changeling panda", and one boy was an evil wizard. There were like 5+ of us on the street involved with playing "Animaltopia". I don’t remember every detail, as this was like 8 years ago, but I remember the first arc was our party was trying to take down the bad guy who threatened our land. In a twist, it wasn’t the evil wizard but the panda girl (who didn’t even know it until I accused her lol) and the "real" panda had been replaced all along with the changeling. Another arc was that a cat from the real world was going around and messing with the magic by introducing science. We also used to go on mini missions when not everyone was available to play. It got so intricate and creative that the girl who played the panda said she'd be the one to write the novel series one day. That wasn’t even the only interesting game we all played (just the most intricate and non Pokémon based one). Those were most certainly the days, and thanks for letting me reminisce a bit.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet