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3 posts
194 points
Hello, Pandas! My name is thatawkwardhistorian! I love Marvel, history, and reading. I am very proud of my mixed heritage: (mainly Brazilian, Italian, Filipino, and Chinese) I try my best to be a friendly, patient, and loving Christian (though sometimes I fall short) Have a blessed day! :)
thatawkwardhistorian • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
Show All 17 Comments
thatawkwardhistorian • submitted a new post 2 years ago
thatawkwardhistorian • upvoted 22 items 2 years ago
washyourhands-- reply
An Arkansas school district installed 1400 solar panels, turned a $250k deficit into a 1.8 million dollar surplus due to the amount of energy they saved, and are now raising teachers salaries by 2,000 3,000 dollars.SadlyCantGoToEdc reply
I bought a f**k ton of milkweed and wildflowers and got rid of 20% of my grass lawn to make a meadow. Bees are thriving in my lawn. I also successfully seed bombed quite a few places in my area from last year's fall that are BLOOMING this year.GoingApeCostume reply
I was at the Phoenix airport a couple weeks ago. An older gentleman sat next to me at our gate. Both his feet were wrapped in some sort of bandage and he was struggling to get around with a cane. On his other side were a pair of teenagers just giggling over kitten videos on their phones. They were strangers but made sure this man got helped to the restroom, had a drink, carried his bag, got to his seat, had access to a wheelchair when he got off the plane! It was seamlessly selfless. The kids are alright. They really are. I'm 47. I am seeing it around me so often.Show All 22 Upvotes
thatawkwardhistorian • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
thatawkwardhistorian • submitted a new post 3 years ago
thatawkwardhistorian • submitted 12 list additions 2 years ago
thatawkwardhistorian • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
thatawkwardhistorian • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
thatawkwardhistorian • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
GoingApeCostume reply
I was at the Phoenix airport a couple weeks ago. An older gentleman sat next to me at our gate. Both his feet were wrapped in some sort of bandage and he was struggling to get around with a cane. On his other side were a pair of teenagers just giggling over kitten videos on their phones. They were strangers but made sure this man got helped to the restroom, had a drink, carried his bag, got to his seat, had access to a wheelchair when he got off the plane! It was seamlessly selfless. The kids are alright. They really are. I'm 47. I am seeing it around me so often.washyourhands-- reply
An Arkansas school district installed 1400 solar panels, turned a $250k deficit into a 1.8 million dollar surplus due to the amount of energy they saved, and are now raising teachers salaries by 2,000 3,000 dollars. thatawkwardhistorian • is following 2 people
thatawkwardhistorian • 27 followers