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Purple Orchid
Community Member
1 posts
19 points
I love to write about all kinds of different topics. I am currently working on completing a book of poetry and enjoy writing articles for various blogs.
Purple Orchid • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Show All 16 Comments
Purple Orchid • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Number One Complaint Working As A Grocery Store Cashier?
Every third person that would t come to my aisle when it wasn’t busy would say, “You look like you need something to do!” Always with a stupid grin like I was gonna laugh at the wittiest thing I’ve ever heard in…well, not my life, as you’re the fourth person to say it this shift. I’m going to give people a hint about being funny. Unless you’re known as the funny one in your group or you’re a professional comedian, the first thing to pop into your head probably isn’t very funny. And now that I’m a professional dog walker, this also goes for the endless parade of clowns who say, “Who’s walking who!” I’m walking the dogs. They have leashes around their necks, I’m holding those leashes, I’m walking them. Shut up.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Number One Complaint Working As A Grocery Store Cashier?
Every third person that would t come to my aisle when it wasn’t busy would say, “You look like you need something to do!” Always with a stupid grin like I was gonna laugh at the wittiest thing I’ve ever heard in…well, not my life, as you’re the fourth person to say it this shift. I’m going to give people a hint about being funny. Unless you’re known as the funny one in your group or you’re a professional comedian, the first thing to pop into your head probably isn’t very funny. And now that I’m a professional dog walker, this also goes for the endless parade of clowns who say, “Who’s walking who!” I’m walking the dogs. They have leashes around their necks, I’m holding those leashes, I’m walking them. Shut up.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Number One Complaint Working As A Grocery Store Cashier?
#OnlyInNorwichVTatDanAndWhits When the customer doesn’t have enough money and they look at you and ask, “Is that close enough?” Makes my blood boil. 🤬 #EntitlementTownHey Pandas, What Is Your Number One Complaint Working As A Grocery Store Cashier?
Giving coupons well after the items are scanned and about to be paid for.People-Share-Nicest-Stranger-Interaction
While working the other week, I was cashiering, usually I don't, but since I know how to use the machine by teaching myself they let me cover for someone. This women I'm helping, she comes up to me and says "I love your smile" and I was so confused and she just says "in my 12 years shopping here I never see anyone smile and yours is so refreshing and nice" and I just had the biggest smile all day. That was the first compliment I had gotten in ages and it was a good dayShow All 5 Upvotes
Purple Orchid • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Purple Orchid • submitted a new post 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Purple Orchid • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Purple Orchid • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
While working the other week, I was cashiering, usually I don't, but since I know how to use the machine by teaching myself they let me cover for someone. This women I'm helping, she comes up to me and says "I love your smile" and I was so confused and she just says "in my 12 years shopping here I never see anyone smile and yours is so refreshing and nice" and I just had the biggest smile all day. That was the first compliment I had gotten in ages and it was a good dayHey Pandas, What Is Your Number One Complaint Working As A Grocery Store Cashier?
Every third person that would t come to my aisle when it wasn’t busy would say, “You look like you need something to do!” Always with a stupid grin like I was gonna laugh at the wittiest thing I’ve ever heard in…well, not my life, as you’re the fourth person to say it this shift. I’m going to give people a hint about being funny. Unless you’re known as the funny one in your group or you’re a professional comedian, the first thing to pop into your head probably isn’t very funny. And now that I’m a professional dog walker, this also goes for the endless parade of clowns who say, “Who’s walking who!” I’m walking the dogs. They have leashes around their necks, I’m holding those leashes, I’m walking them. Shut up.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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