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hi i'm a weird person looking for a good friend i can trust between ages 10-15 if interested email me at also i'm gender fluid and bisexual but i like girls more.
weird_art_freak • commented on 23 posts 3 years ago
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weird_art_freak • started following 7 people 3 years ago
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weird_art_freak • upvoted 6 items 3 years ago
Bride Is Upset The Groom's Teen Cousin Will Upstage Her By Wearing A Traditional Indian Outfit To Their Wedding
Hey Pandas, Feel Free To Confess A Bad Thing You Did Here
so this is kind of a long story and the reason i'm deathly afraid of lizards and geckos. when i was around 5 my dad had to fix his friends car (he was a mechanic but did own his own time) anyway me and his friends kids were friends and one of them caught one of those see through lizards, and put on a rock i the and the other kids came over, most of us holding small twigs. first kid gabs a rock and smashes lizard me and kids proceed to look through its inside with our twigs. guess what? it had premature eggs in it! (eggs that aren't formed enough to be layed) me and the kids felt horrible. we gave it a funeral service and buried it. stayed away from that part of yard for a few months.Show All 6 Upvotes
weird_art_freak • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
weird_art_freak • submitted a new post 3 years ago
weird_art_freak • submitted a new post 3 years ago
weird_art_freak • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
weird_art_freak • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
weird_art_freak • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Feel Free To Confess A Bad Thing You Did Here
so this is kind of a long story and the reason i'm deathly afraid of lizards and geckos. when i was around 5 my dad had to fix his friends car (he was a mechanic but did own his own time) anyway me and his friends kids were friends and one of them caught one of those see through lizards, and put on a rock i the and the other kids came over, most of us holding small twigs. first kid gabs a rock and smashes lizard me and kids proceed to look through its inside with our twigs. guess what? it had premature eggs in it! (eggs that aren't formed enough to be layed) me and the kids felt horrible. we gave it a funeral service and buried it. stayed away from that part of yard for a few months. weird_art_freak • 48 followers