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Jude Fire
Community Member
2 posts
1.3K points
I'm a trans guy. I have a weird sense of humour. And I don't like talking about myself. Peace out.
Jude Fire • commented on 2 posts 8 months ago
Jude Fire • upvoted 15 items 8 months ago
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
Show All 15 Upvotes
Jude Fire • upvoted 11 items 9 months ago
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Jude Fire • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Jude Fire • upvoted 10 items 1 year ago
For myself, it is scented hand soaps. As a bachelor, I got whatever orange-looking cheapo bottle I could get. My girlfriend/wife moves in and loads up on bakery-scented hand soaps in the bathrooms. One day, when I got home, I told her we had to have a serious adult discussion. 'What scent to pick out next?' To this day, 'serious adult discussion' is code for 'Out of soap. What should we use next?'men-share-things-women-changed-household
For myself, it is scented hand soaps. As a bachelor, I got whatever orange-looking cheapo bottle I could get. My girlfriend/wife moves in and loads up on bakery-scented hand soaps in the bathrooms. One day, when I got home, I told her we had to have a serious adult discussion. 'What scent to pick out next?' To this day, 'serious adult discussion' is code for 'Out of soap. What should we use next?'mahade reply
My formerly pristine white walls suddenly had art on them. My front door grew a doormat. My bathroom got a wicker basket with cheesy slogans on the interior lining. "Home is where the heart is" and other such remarkable sayings. The walls in my shower now contain, what I can only assume is also decorative in intent, long strands of hair. The drain needs regular cleaning because it, too, is full of long hairs. The kitchen is always clean and I have 12 different glasses for all kinds of beverages. And 8 cups for variations of coffee and soups. The fridge keeps track of all the cards we received. Since she moved in, those are many. Before her, I received none.The_Sceptic_Lemur reply
A friend of mine -who grew up with his dad and two brothers- told me they found out his dad had a girlfriend when suddenly a candle appeared in the livingroom out of nowhere.csamsh reply
Water glasses everywhere, bathrooms are now a disaster, lost my race tire storage room, and there's a cat, dog, and 4yr old running around now. (The last one is half my fault). Totally worth it, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.CoolandGroovy reply
A warmth and happiness I didn’t know I was missing and CERTAINLY didn’t know how to cultivate. Art, glassware style unity, refrigerator organization, multiple sets of sheets… The list goes on. A million little touches that compile a happy homeBig-Routine222 reply
She always gets vanilla candles and now this house always smells like a bakery and GOD DAMMIT I LOVE ITThaCapten reply
Worked on a ship when a female cook-steward started working there, before the crew were all male. Within a couple of days the mess and galley were transformed. Tablecloths, curtains, coasters, it was really all new, the galley became a water-cooler kinda place where you always could go to have a chat and get a snack, the galley always smelled of cooking and she was listening to her radio. It was a real game changer from the former grumpy guy and sterile setting. Our skipper loved it.Show All 10 Upvotes
Jude Fire • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Jude Fire • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Jude Fire • submitted 18 list additions 2 years ago
Jude Fire • commented on 2 posts 8 months ago
Jude Fire • commented on 18 posts 1 year ago
Jude Fire • upvoted 17 items 8 months ago
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
“Yes, But”: 30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations Showcasing Society’s Most Common Contradictions (New Pics)
Jude Fire • upvoted 3 items 9 months ago
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