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1 posts
144 points
Christian, husband, and father; lover of symphonic metal, power metal, and drawing with a pen.
J • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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J • upvoted 30 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something A Person Said To You That Will Never Leave Your Thoughts?
A break from the dark, depressing ones: "Your eyes are literally so pretty". This stuck with me because 1) I was really nervous at the time, right before a concert 2) the person who said that is my crush 3) I don't get compliments very oftenHey Pandas, What's The Most Compelling Argument Or Reasoning You Have For Believing In God? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Compelling Argument Or Reasoning You Have For Believing In God? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something A Person Said To You That Will Never Leave Your Thoughts?
now i dont really wanna say it after reading it all, but uh probably when bee said im cute without my glasses as i think i look really weird without themHey Pandas, What's The Most Compelling Argument Or Reasoning You Have For Believing In God?
I was raised atheist because religion is shunned in the motherland, because of stuff implemented by the USSR. But i have two reasons: 1) Yes, the big bang created the universe, and the universe created us, in one big stream. but what on earth created that tiny speck that held all of everything ever? where did it come from? 2) THE UNIVERSE IS TOO DAMNED ORDERLY TO BE ONE GIANT MISTAKE.parangolecomuna reply
Nestle convincing thousands of women in low income countries that they should wean off their babies and substitute breast milk for extremely expensive formula because breast milk wasn't fully nutritious, but also forcing new mothers to spend 30% of their income JUST on baby formula, which made them try save it to last way longer than it should and ended up killing their kids from malnutrition. All 30 Upvotes
J • submitted 5 list additions 1 year ago
J • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
J • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
J • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something A Person Said To You That Will Never Leave Your Thoughts?
A break from the dark, depressing ones: "Your eyes are literally so pretty". This stuck with me because 1) I was really nervous at the time, right before a concert 2) the person who said that is my crush 3) I don't get compliments very oftenHey Pandas, What's The Most Compelling Argument Or Reasoning You Have For Believing In God? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Compelling Argument Or Reasoning You Have For Believing In God? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something A Person Said To You That Will Never Leave Your Thoughts?
now i dont really wanna say it after reading it all, but uh probably when bee said im cute without my glasses as i think i look really weird without themHey Pandas, What's The Most Compelling Argument Or Reasoning You Have For Believing In God?
I was raised atheist because religion is shunned in the motherland, because of stuff implemented by the USSR. But i have two reasons: 1) Yes, the big bang created the universe, and the universe created us, in one big stream. but what on earth created that tiny speck that held all of everything ever? where did it come from? 2) THE UNIVERSE IS TOO DAMNED ORDERLY TO BE ONE GIANT MISTAKE.parangolecomuna reply
Nestle convincing thousands of women in low income countries that they should wean off their babies and substitute breast milk for extremely expensive formula because breast milk wasn't fully nutritious, but also forcing new mothers to spend 30% of their income JUST on baby formula, which made them try save it to last way longer than it should and ended up killing their kids from malnutrition. reply
Not a dude, but I have a husband. I feel like the best thing he needs when he comes home is a big a*s hug. Doesn't matter if it was a rough day or long day or neither. He needs a hug. I like cooking dinner for my husband so something warm or comforting is waiting for him too. Even if it's left overs. He loves his back scratched, so I'll do that for him or scratch his head. We will sit in silence sometimes while he scrolls on his phone to decompress, than we chat and we put on the TV or go for a walk. I feel like it's the simple things that matter a lot to him. I was very intent on knowing who my husband was and what he wanted when we were dating. I try to encompass those things naturally. I will tell him I love him randomly. I tell him he looks good when he goes to work and when he is just lounging. It melts his heart and I can tell. Its a lot of fun living with a man and seeing the natural differences that are their norms. Breaks my heart when I see perfectly good men treated like garbage. I mean if he is trash, it's different but most people are just trying their best and I think the small things I do for my husband mean a lot to him. J • is following a person
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