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Jennifer Taylor Artist
Community Member name is Jennifer. I am lifelong artist with a deep passion and love for nature and the universe we find ourselves in. In particular the forests and the oceans of our beautiful planet.
I love to use colour and textures to capture these essences of nature. I believe that they all have a rhythm and capturing this in my work is my life's passion.
Texture, light, colour and contrast are elements I love to create in my work, to bring about paintings that are captivating and truly a talking point. Painting predominantly larger scale immerse myself in the moment when painting, and create from heart. Allowing each painting to be created as intuitively as possible. I surround myself with the colour and light of the outdoors and interpret this into each and every piece. From landscapes to seascapes each piece has its own uniqueness and textural quality. Bringing a captivating essence of nature to your space.