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Jen Mendez
Community Member
2 posts
44 points
Love dogs...all animals really.
Jen Mendez • upvoted 40 items 3 years ago
Recently Discovered My Favorite Way To Organize My Apps. Each Row Is A Category, With The Three Most Commonly Used Apps On The Right And Others In A Folder On The Left
I Have Major Depression. I've Heard Cleaning Up My Environment Helps. This Is My First Post, I'm Hoping To Become A Regular Poster Here
TIL When his owner died in August 1936, Shep the Dog followed the casket to the railroad station and watched it being loaded onto a train heading to the eastern US. For six years until his own death, he would greet every train that arrived each day, expecting his master to return.Common-Things-That-Are-Scam
The US healthcare system. Hell, just name any aspect of life in the US and there's probably a scam somewhere in there.People-Share-Things-That-Dont-Deserve-Hate
Rats. They're some of the funniest, most affectionate and intelligent small pets, with a ton of personality, who actually enjoy engaging with people. They get a terrible reputation for carrying disease or being aggressive- which is just not true for domestic rats. Growing up I had almost every common pet rodent you can think of, and hands down I'd pick a rat over a hamster any day.Sexist-Things-Normalized
The prefix for men is Mr. and the prefix for women is Miss, Ms. and Mrs. A prefix for women is directly dependent on if she is single or married. It stays Mr. for men all their lives.Interesting-Today-I-Learned-Til-Facts
TIL Gorillas hum happy songs when they eat. “And if it’s their favourite food, they sing louder.”Interesting-Today-I-Learned-Til-Facts
TIL about BACA, a biker gang that will defend kids who were abused or bullied, give them their own vest, take them the school, and will even guard a house 24/7 to make sure the kid can sleepInteresting-Today-I-Learned-Til-Facts
TIL a bus driver in Paris kicked all the passengers out when they refused to make space for a wheelchair bound manJobs-Less-Fun-Than-People-Imagine
Working in an animal shelter. For sure, it’s probably less intense than zookeeping, but the amount of people who apply or volunteer expecting to come in and play with cute puppies all day is absurd. We’re basically animal maids. You deal with animals of all sorts of behavioral and developmental stages [pooping] and pissing everywhere and then you look over and this dog named Chumbawumba swimming in his water bowl so you gotta fill that up six times and dry his kennel out and then you go and mop up the cat room around 10 kittens who want to eat your mop and also four children who are all yelling that there’s puke in the floor and I MUST clean it, NOW. Not to mention all the extra behind the scenes work that the public never sees. How in the summer, during kitten and puppy season, the shelter built to house 500 max has 750 and I didn’t take a lunch or sit at all for any of my shifts for the past six days. How the courts force us to put down animals that we know can be rehabilitated, but we don’t get enough funding to fight it. How animal control just showed up with the fourth pregnant stray of the week but intake is full and even double stacked in some cases, so your coworker fosters the cats on her own. Not even to mention the [awful] people who do dumb [stuff] and end up getting bit or scratched and the animal is the one who bears those consequences. I am the proudest shelter worker in the world. I adore my job, even at its hardest. I didn’t sit for 9 and a half hours today and I found a cat turd in the cuff of my jeans but it doesn’t matter because a bonded pair of adult cats got adopted today. I took six applications this morning and the cat in bank 4 with the goopy eye is already looking better, and we sent a mama out to foster. The hard work is always worth it for these babies.Company-Secrets-Stories
I was a translator (contractor) for the US military. I also translated Marvel comic books. Marvel had tighter security. Social Issues
Texan Valedictorian Addresses The State's Anti-Abortion Bill After Dropping Her Approved Speech At The Last Minute
There's a recording of the last Kaua'i Oo bird singing before it went extinct. It was a mating call sung by a male bird. The song has breaks for the female bird to respond. There's no response because the male Kaua'i Oo is the last of its kind. Social Issues
Male Teachers Are Wearing Skirts To Class In Order To Protest This Student Getting Expelled Over It
Your immune system is one of the greatest assets you have and you never thank it. In your life, your body will autonomously eradicate between 6-10 cancers without your realising. It will fight your infections, repair micro traumas and police the entire population of billions of cells in your body without your asking. All it requests in return is a little bit of health to preserve it. Stop smoking, lose weight. Maybe exercise a little. Don't drink so much. Your diet is so much more important that you realise.Interesting-Today-I-Learned-Facts
TIL a man built the world's largest treehouse after claiming God told him to do so. It was 97 feet tall. It took 12 years to build and burned down in 15 minutes in 2019.People-Describe-Growing-Up-Poor
Didn’t have enough food because mother spent our money on church. Paid tuition to parochial school. Put cash in 2 collection plates & an envelope for The Bishops Fund special collection on Sundays. Paid coins to light candles. Her piety kept her kids hungry & cold I hate religionA UPS Driver Went Above-And-Beyond This Year, Delivering Nearly 200 Packages A Day Through Lockdowns. Hundreds Of Neighbors Came Out To Give Him A Hero's Salute
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Jen Mendez • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Recently Discovered My Favorite Way To Organize My Apps. Each Row Is A Category, With The Three Most Commonly Used Apps On The Right And Others In A Folder On The Left
I Have Major Depression. I've Heard Cleaning Up My Environment Helps. This Is My First Post, I'm Hoping To Become A Regular Poster Here
TIL When his owner died in August 1936, Shep the Dog followed the casket to the railroad station and watched it being loaded onto a train heading to the eastern US. For six years until his own death, he would greet every train that arrived each day, expecting his master to return.Common-Things-That-Are-Scam
The US healthcare system. Hell, just name any aspect of life in the US and there's probably a scam somewhere in there.People-Share-Things-That-Dont-Deserve-Hate
Rats. They're some of the funniest, most affectionate and intelligent small pets, with a ton of personality, who actually enjoy engaging with people. They get a terrible reputation for carrying disease or being aggressive- which is just not true for domestic rats. Growing up I had almost every common pet rodent you can think of, and hands down I'd pick a rat over a hamster any day.1st Picture Was The Peak Of My Depression. 2nd Is A Recent One After Almost An Year Of Medication And Self Care
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