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Jeffrey Alexander
Community Member
2 posts
488 points
i love games and baseball.
Jeffrey Alexander • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
When I was about 8 years old I nearly choked on a hard boiled sweet. It got lodged in my throat and I couldn't breathe. My older brother saw me, grabbed me by the ankle swung me upside down and then whacked me so hard between the shoulders that the sweet came flying out. He then just lowered me gently onto the couch told me to be careful and then went out. Later on that afternoon I told my mum what had happened. I was still a little sore from his whack between the shoulders and as Mark (my brother) and I at the time had a typical older brother younger sister relationship where we often fought but we always made up, I thought he was being mean to me. Mum said " You were choking and a person can choke to death in minutes if what is lodged it their throat isn't removed immediately. Your brother saved your life. You could be dead now if he hadn't done what he did." That stunned me. I went into the living room where he was listening to music. I said to him "mum said you saved my life today, thanks for that. But why when we fight sometimes would you do that.?" "Well, he said." you may be one of the World's most annoying little sisters, but I wouldn't want you dead." Thanks bro. I love you too. And I still do.Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
When I was in 2nd grade we had a shooter who snuck in through a window that was open while everyone was at lunch he waited in the custodial closet waiting and plotting who and when he should kill finally after lunch he began his spree and killed 12 people before he was finally shot down by police 3 of my friends died there blood-soaked body was now on there ground I got shot in the thigh I survived but to this day this still haunts meShow All 28 Upvotes
Jeffrey Alexander • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
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Jeffrey Alexander • started following a person 3 years ago
Jeffrey Alexander • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago
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Jeffrey Alexander • submitted 3 list additions 4 years ago
Jeffrey Alexander • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Jeffrey Alexander • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
When I was about 8 years old I nearly choked on a hard boiled sweet. It got lodged in my throat and I couldn't breathe. My older brother saw me, grabbed me by the ankle swung me upside down and then whacked me so hard between the shoulders that the sweet came flying out. He then just lowered me gently onto the couch told me to be careful and then went out. Later on that afternoon I told my mum what had happened. I was still a little sore from his whack between the shoulders and as Mark (my brother) and I at the time had a typical older brother younger sister relationship where we often fought but we always made up, I thought he was being mean to me. Mum said " You were choking and a person can choke to death in minutes if what is lodged it their throat isn't removed immediately. Your brother saved your life. You could be dead now if he hadn't done what he did." That stunned me. I went into the living room where he was listening to music. I said to him "mum said you saved my life today, thanks for that. But why when we fight sometimes would you do that.?" "Well, he said." you may be one of the World's most annoying little sisters, but I wouldn't want you dead." Thanks bro. I love you too. And I still do.Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
When I was in 2nd grade we had a shooter who snuck in through a window that was open while everyone was at lunch he waited in the custodial closet waiting and plotting who and when he should kill finally after lunch he began his spree and killed 12 people before he was finally shot down by police 3 of my friends died there blood-soaked body was now on there ground I got shot in the thigh I survived but to this day this still haunts me Jeffrey Alexander • is following 2 people
Jeffrey Alexander • 33 followers