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1 posts
220 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
RobotMonkeyGod • commented on a post 1 year ago
RobotMonkeyGod • upvoted 21 items 1 year ago
EclecticMermaid reply
Saying "You're too young to be depressed" and ignoring red flags from mental illnesses.Acetamnophen reply
Invalidating your child's feelings, struggles, and/or mental illness in favor of "you don't know what struggling *really* is" or some form of "back in my day" or "you kids are so weak". You have just robbed your child of support, told them their feelings do not matter, and informed them that you are not a safe person to confide in.EclecticMermaid reply
Saying "You're too young to be depressed" and ignoring red flags from mental illnesses.Acetamnophen reply
Invalidating your child's feelings, struggles, and/or mental illness in favor of "you don't know what struggling *really* is" or some form of "back in my day" or "you kids are so weak". You have just robbed your child of support, told them their feelings do not matter, and informed them that you are not a safe person to confide in.AdventureGirl1234567 reply
You can’t run away from your problems/bloom where you’re planted. Not always bad advice, but sometimes you absolutely do need to leave a toxic environment before your life can improvejanesyouraunt reply
“If a boy is mean to you, it means he likes you” No, it means he’s likely a bully and leads women to staying in abusive relationships because ‘he Loves me”jessicajelliott reply
“If you can’t love yourself you can’t love someone else” Makes everyone with any mental illness feel unlovable and hopelessItsOnlyLava reply
"Always listen to your elders" and "Old people are smarter / wiser" I don't care who you are, what relationship I have with you, or expecially how old you are. Anyone can be a dumbass.DarkPasta reply
"You can be *anything* you wanna be" No, you can't. People with money *could* be anything they wanna be. The rest of us probably have to work really hard to *maybe* attain our goals if we are lucky.anon reply
“Practice makes perfect.” No it doesn’t. Practice makes permanent. If you continuously repeat shoddy work, you’ll just become very efficient at making that shoddy work, and it’ll be hard for you to ever improve. Practice along with introspection, analysis, and feedback makes perfect.Idothis4me reply
“You can do anything that you put your mind too.” can’t. Not everyone is good at everything , and the sooner you make peace with your own limitations, the more successful you’ll become.Phase3isProfit reply
“Never give up.” Sometimes you should give up. Sometimes you’ll try your best and it still won’t work out.anon reply
Aluminum foil. People use it to wrap food while they can use it to make rockets, electromagnets and hats that prevent the government from mind-controlling you.Kyle______ reply
I co-signed a loan for my girlfriend at the time. I was 20 and in love. She bought the car, then put it in her mothers name, filled for bankruptcy, and went to live with the guy she was cheating on me with. F**k you Christine. Thank you for teaching me at such a young age how s****y people actually are.ChaplnGrillSgt reply
I'm a male and a nurse. No I don't want to be a doctor. No I'm not going to school to be a doctor. No I don't feel like less of a man because I'm a nurse and not a doctor. And stop calling me doc and doctor. I've told you 5 times I'm your nurse and my badge says NURSE in big letters.Show All 21 Upvotes
RobotMonkeyGod • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
Geez, Having A Relative Abandon You Like This On Christmas Is Hugely Damaging Emotionally, Not To Mention Dangerous
Show All 15 Upvotes
RobotMonkeyGod • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
Show All 3 Comments
RobotMonkeyGod • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
RobotMonkeyGod • commented on a post 1 year ago
RobotMonkeyGod • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
50 Times Signs Were So Hilariously Absurd, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page (New Pics)
40 Photos With Humans For Scale To Show Just How Big Stuff Really Is, As Shared On This Twitter Page
RobotMonkeyGod • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Acetamnophen reply
Invalidating your child's feelings, struggles, and/or mental illness in favor of "you don't know what struggling *really* is" or some form of "back in my day" or "you kids are so weak". You have just robbed your child of support, told them their feelings do not matter, and informed them that you are not a safe person to confide in.EclecticMermaid reply
Saying "You're too young to be depressed" and ignoring red flags from mental illnesses.AdventureGirl1234567 reply
You can’t run away from your problems/bloom where you’re planted. Not always bad advice, but sometimes you absolutely do need to leave a toxic environment before your life can improveanon reply
“Practice makes perfect.” No it doesn’t. Practice makes permanent. If you continuously repeat shoddy work, you’ll just become very efficient at making that shoddy work, and it’ll be hard for you to ever improve. Practice along with introspection, analysis, and feedback makes perfect.DarkPasta reply
"You can be *anything* you wanna be" No, you can't. People with money *could* be anything they wanna be. The rest of us probably have to work really hard to *maybe* attain our goals if we are lucky.janesyouraunt reply
“If a boy is mean to you, it means he likes you” No, it means he’s likely a bully and leads women to staying in abusive relationships because ‘he Loves me”ItsOnlyLava reply
"Always listen to your elders" and "Old people are smarter / wiser" I don't care who you are, what relationship I have with you, or expecially how old you are. Anyone can be a dumbass.Phase3isProfit reply
“Never give up.” Sometimes you should give up. Sometimes you’ll try your best and it still won’t work out.jessicajelliott reply
“If you can’t love yourself you can’t love someone else” Makes everyone with any mental illness feel unlovable and hopelessIdothis4me reply
“You can do anything that you put your mind too.” can’t. Not everyone is good at everything , and the sooner you make peace with your own limitations, the more successful you’ll become.anon reply
Aluminum foil. People use it to wrap food while they can use it to make rockets, electromagnets and hats that prevent the government from mind-controlling you.Kyle______ reply
I co-signed a loan for my girlfriend at the time. I was 20 and in love. She bought the car, then put it in her mothers name, filled for bankruptcy, and went to live with the guy she was cheating on me with. F**k you Christine. Thank you for teaching me at such a young age how s****y people actually are.ChaplnGrillSgt reply
I'm a male and a nurse. No I don't want to be a doctor. No I'm not going to school to be a doctor. No I don't feel like less of a man because I'm a nurse and not a doctor. And stop calling me doc and doctor. I've told you 5 times I'm your nurse and my badge says NURSE in big letters.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet