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Jazzy Mc. Jaz
Community Member
1 posts
3.3K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Jazzy Mc. Jaz • upvoted 36 items 2 years ago
catomi01 reply
You have no way of really knowing if everyone experiences reality and consciousness the same way you do.Tehcitra42 reply
If a biological trait is common in almost every human, then it evolved for a reason. Almost everybody has the same response to the "uncanny valley," or in other words we are made uncomfortable by things that look almost human but not quite. This implies humans once had a reason to fear something that looks human but isn't.MiddleCount8416 reply
Maximum part of oxygen came from sea/oceans. But people always talks about protecting trees not sea/oceans.VivaLaVict0ria reply
You can condition someone with zero personal/family history of mental illness into having some very severe mental illnesses within about a week.Artic_Lightning reply
Your eyes have a seperate immune-system from the rest of your body. Once your body's immune system discovers you have eyes, it will attack and inflame the blood vessels in the back of your eyes. This can lead to your vision decreasing or even going blind.Suspicious_Gas_9807 reply
I read somewhere ( don’t remember where) that you are more likely to be bitten by someone in New York than to be bitten by a shark.boomsc reply
The entire planet could be immediately destroyed by any one of a number of cosmic events that we have no way of seeing or stopping like rogue black holes. Worse...there are some events we can very much see coming, but do absolutely nothing about.Thirty_Helens_Agree reply
Yellowstone is a giant super volcano. If it blows, things on this planet will go really bad really fast.damnshawtyruokay reply
Statistically speaking, if you are a woman and get murdered, it was most likely by a family member, partner or ex-partner, in your own home. If you are a man and get murdered, it was most likely by an acquaintance or stranger, in a public place.LfcOsh reply
Sharks have been around for at least 420 million years, meaning they have survived four of the “big five” mass extinctions. That makes them older than humanity, older than Mount Everest, older than dinosaurs, older even than trees. Yet we could potentially see them extinct in our lifetimeKikiKiwii reply
Capgras Syndrome is a mental delusion where you believe that the people closest to you have been replaced by impostorsHeikold reply
Egyptian mummies wouldn’t be so rare today if the Victorian British hadn’t eaten most of them.Back2Bach reply
Cotard's syndrome, also called "walking corpse syndrome," is a condition wherein the patient believes they are dead, dying, missing parts of their bodies, or don't exist. Some people with Cotard's syndrome may stop speaking or eating since they believe they're dead. Funny
This Online Thread Has People Sharing Their Favorite Visual Gags From The Simpsons, And Here Are 40 Of Everyone's Favorites
Chimps don't attack to kill. Instead they aim for the genitals, face, and fingers and will leave the opponent alive. There have been many people who have owned chimps who have turned on their owners and left them incredibly disfigured. One case, the chimp ripped a man's junk off. In all cases, faces were mutilated and fingers were chewed off. It's pretty much how they instinctively fight in the wild. So if you think that chimp is going to be a cute pet, better think twice. Even if you raised it since it was born, they'll turn on you at any second. A disfigurement roulette waiting to happen. Vile creatures.Show All 36 Upvotes
Jazzy Mc. Jaz • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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Jazzy Mc. Jaz • submitted a new post 3 years ago
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Jazzy Mc. Jaz • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
Jazzy Mc. Jaz • commented on 13 posts 3 years ago
Jazzy Mc. Jaz • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Emergency room doctor here. I really do want you to get better, I really want you to not die. I get spat on and cursed at and am the recipient of several stink eyes daily. If you actually show that you care about your health and listen to me or show me the slightest bit of respect I will bend over backwards to help you get better. If I'm not sending you home with a six month supply of dilaudid it's because you are better off without it. I'm sorry you have a boxer's fracture because you punched your door, but fractures hurt and I can't take all the pain away and keep you breathing at the same time. Man up and deal with a few days of discomfort, it goes away eventually. I ask probing questions about your sexuality and drug history and the consistency of your poop because its important. I am legally prevented from sharing this info with your boss, your wife, the police. Just tell me the truth. The guy on the other side of the curtain has a curling iron stuck up his ass, the herpes you got in high school doesn't shock me. My paycheck is my paycheck. I don't get paid more or less because I prescribe a name brand antibiotic, or decide to do stitches instead of glue, or admit you instead of letting you leave AMA. I get paid the same if I see one patient this shift or forty, most of my decisions are based on medicine, or to decrease the chances of getting sued. This isn't true for every doctor or even every emergency doctor, but consider giving your physician the benefit of the doubt.employees-share-industry-secrets-jobs
I was a deep sea diver for 10 years in the Gulf of Mexico. Huge oil spills happen and are covered up hundreds of times a year by every company. The entire industry is in on it. The bottom of the gulf is a disgusting garbage dump. Every boat dumps their trash into the gulf no one obeys the laws and the coast guard doesn't enforce s**t. Art, Tattoos
Artist Uses Makeup To Transform Herself Into Any Popular Character She Wants To (42 Pics)
Chimps don't attack to kill. Instead they aim for the genitals, face, and fingers and will leave the opponent alive. There have been many people who have owned chimps who have turned on their owners and left them incredibly disfigured. One case, the chimp ripped a man's junk off. In all cases, faces were mutilated and fingers were chewed off. It's pretty much how they instinctively fight in the wild. So if you think that chimp is going to be a cute pet, better think twice. Even if you raised it since it was born, they'll turn on you at any second. A disfigurement roulette waiting to happen. Vile creatures.grumpy_hedgehog reply
Despite literally all war propaganda from every country saying otherwise, you are not going to make an individual impact in glorious battle and die valiantly in a hail of bullets. Statistically, you are overwhelmingly more likely to be killed by an explosive device launched miles away by a vehicle you will never see, long before you ever get a chance to pull the trigger.Artic_Lightning reply
Your eyes have a seperate immune-system from the rest of your body. Once your body's immune system discovers you have eyes, it will attack and inflame the blood vessels in the back of your eyes. This can lead to your vision decreasing or even going blind.catomi01 reply
You have no way of really knowing if everyone experiences reality and consciousness the same way you do.Suspicious_Gas_9807 reply
I read somewhere ( don’t remember where) that you are more likely to be bitten by someone in New York than to be bitten by a shark.KikiKiwii reply
Capgras Syndrome is a mental delusion where you believe that the people closest to you have been replaced by impostorsMiddleCount8416 reply
Maximum part of oxygen came from sea/oceans. But people always talks about protecting trees not sea/oceans.Thirty_Helens_Agree reply
Yellowstone is a giant super volcano. If it blows, things on this planet will go really bad really fast.boomsc reply
The entire planet could be immediately destroyed by any one of a number of cosmic events that we have no way of seeing or stopping like rogue black holes. Worse...there are some events we can very much see coming, but do absolutely nothing about.VivaLaVict0ria reply
You can condition someone with zero personal/family history of mental illness into having some very severe mental illnesses within about a week.Tehcitra42 reply
If a biological trait is common in almost every human, then it evolved for a reason. Almost everybody has the same response to the "uncanny valley," or in other words we are made uncomfortable by things that look almost human but not quite. This implies humans once had a reason to fear something that looks human but isn't. Jazzy Mc. Jaz • is following 6 people
Jazzy Mc. Jaz • 47 followers