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2 posts
67 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
jackalope • commented on 5 posts 9 months ago
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jackalope • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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jackalope • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
Worked from home, had a baby, developed new hobbies. It was a great year, no complaints 👌Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
I lost faith in humanity, I questioned my career in medicine, I faced grief for colleagues and patients and patients' families, I carry new nightmares, and I am still angry. So angry that politics turned a containable disease into this mess.Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
My 2020 was possibly one of the best years of my life despite all that occurred. I made so many new friends (still friends with all of them) and had an amazing summer.Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
I´d say much less than many others. I continued to work like before, alone in a room. And as I´m a lonely introvert my social life didn´t really suffer from it either. Also while some of my family got Covid luckily all recovered pretty well. What sucked much more for me was the constant and repeated evidence that a significant part of society is made up of idiots as the crisis continues.Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
Idk about the luckiest of my life, but recently my friend and his family was over for dinner. While they were over, a tree fell on their house and crashed through the dining room ceiling, right where they would have been had they not been at my place.Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
When my neighbor went to college, she gave me a bunch of books, including the Percy Jackson series. Two and a half years later, 50% of who I am is a HUGE fan of Rick Riordan :). I wouldn't be the same AMAZING (and very humble lol) person that I am today if my neighbor hadn't known how much I enjoyed books.Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
It makes me 🤮 just saying it, but I suppose it’s when my parents did boom-boom and conceived me…!😀Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
When I moved to my new neighborhood, I met a boy. He was nice but I was afraid to ask him over to play (8 yrs old.) Then my sister got invited to her new best friend's house and there he is, the older brother of the little girl my sister was friends with. We are best friends to this day.Show All 10 Upvotes
jackalope • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
jackalope • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
jackalope • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
jackalope • commented on 5 posts 9 months ago
jackalope • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
jackalope • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
jackalope • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
Worked from home, had a baby, developed new hobbies. It was a great year, no complaints 👌Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
I´d say much less than many others. I continued to work like before, alone in a room. And as I´m a lonely introvert my social life didn´t really suffer from it either. Also while some of my family got Covid luckily all recovered pretty well. What sucked much more for me was the constant and repeated evidence that a significant part of society is made up of idiots as the crisis continues.Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
I lost faith in humanity, I questioned my career in medicine, I faced grief for colleagues and patients and patients' families, I carry new nightmares, and I am still angry. So angry that politics turned a containable disease into this mess.Hey Pandas, How Did The Year 2020 Affect Your Life?
My 2020 was possibly one of the best years of my life despite all that occurred. I made so many new friends (still friends with all of them) and had an amazing summer.Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
Idk about the luckiest of my life, but recently my friend and his family was over for dinner. While they were over, a tree fell on their house and crashed through the dining room ceiling, right where they would have been had they not been at my place.Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
When my neighbor went to college, she gave me a bunch of books, including the Percy Jackson series. Two and a half years later, 50% of who I am is a HUGE fan of Rick Riordan :). I wouldn't be the same AMAZING (and very humble lol) person that I am today if my neighbor hadn't known how much I enjoyed books.Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
It makes me 🤮 just saying it, but I suppose it’s when my parents did boom-boom and conceived me…!😀Hey Pandas! What Was The Most Luckiest Moment Of Your Life?
When I moved to my new neighborhood, I met a boy. He was nice but I was afraid to ask him over to play (8 yrs old.) Then my sister got invited to her new best friend's house and there he is, the older brother of the little girl my sister was friends with. We are best friends to this day.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
jackalope • 1 follower