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I'm a tall lesbian that likes summer time, plants, cats, and moths. I play volleyball, and I like to swim. She/They please!
Mothsoup • upvoted an item 1 year ago
Mothsoup • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
Mothsoup • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Embarrassing Thing You've Ever Accidentally Said Outloud?
I was sitting in a science class last year and because it was the of finials I was really tired. The teacher was going over anatomy and stuff as a little recap because we had a couple transfer students join us. I was like half asleep during this. The teacher: This is your spine. Me, practically asleep: aw Sc**iße put it back! Que the laughter. Luckily nobody knew that I cursed because I mostly speak German so that's what I cursed in.Hey Pandas, What Was One Of The Funniest Things That Happened At School?
This was today actually. In my science class my teacher likes to have "roast friday." (I know it's Thursday when im posting this, we don't have school tomorrow.) The class votes two people to go up in front of the class and just roast the sh*t out of each other. (with out being too offensive, obviously.) The class voted me and this other dude and it goes pretty well. He then said "your cripted looking *ss is probably related to mothman." I then opened my bag and stared him down, and three months just flew out. I was actually going to get my dictionary, it was a complete accident. I won lolHey Pandas, What's The Most Embarrassing Thing You've Ever Accidentally Said Outloud?
I was sitting in a science class last year and because it was the of finials I was really tired. The teacher was going over anatomy and stuff as a little recap because we had a couple transfer students join us. I was like half asleep during this. The teacher: This is your spine. Me, practically asleep: aw Sc**iße put it back! Que the laughter. Luckily nobody knew that I cursed because I mostly speak German so that's what I cursed in.Hey Pandas, What Was One Of The Funniest Things That Happened At School?
This was today actually. In my science class my teacher likes to have "roast friday." (I know it's Thursday when im posting this, we don't have school tomorrow.) The class votes two people to go up in front of the class and just roast the sh*t out of each other. (with out being too offensive, obviously.) The class voted me and this other dude and it goes pretty well. He then said "your cripted looking *ss is probably related to mothman." I then opened my bag and stared him down, and three months just flew out. I was actually going to get my dictionary, it was a complete accident. I won lolHey Pandas, When Did You Realize You Were In Love With Your Current Partner?
We were sitting on the top of a playground (that we were too old to be on) drinking sodas that I payed for in quarters, and laughing about the fact that our friend (who was also there) thought that cumulonimbus was pronounced cum-you-low-nim-bus. I looked over at her for a second and that's when it hit me. She looked so beautiful and happy. Then lighting and rain started, and we ran back to our bikes and rode back to my house because it was closest. We were friends at the time. This was a while ago, and we're dating now.Hey Pandas, What's Your Gossip Of The Day?
So a guy (ima call him Alex) asked my girlfriend out two days after I asked her out. My girlfriend (I'll call her Daisy) is Biromantic and has liked me for a while now, and before that we were besties. She, of course, declined. Alex was angry because he's used to getting anyone he wants. He's also mad at whoever got to her first (me!), although he doesn't know who it is. I know that Daisy was his last resort, though. (That's not fair because Daisy is much better that a last resort.) I love watching his frustration because he messed with my Friend (his pseudonym is going to be Oliver) by stringing him along. Oliver had liked Alex and Alex found out. Alex then flirted with Oliver and messed with him because he thought it was funny. Alex is actually straight and threatened to expose Oliver, who wasn't out at the time. (I put a stop to that. Nobody messes with the big tall scary lesbian, or her friends. :)) I love second hand revenge.Show All 26 Upvotes
Mothsoup • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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Mothsoup • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Mothsoup • submitted 20 list additions 2 years ago
Mothsoup • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Mothsoup • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Most Embarrassing Thing You've Ever Accidentally Said Outloud?
I was sitting in a science class last year and because it was the of finials I was really tired. The teacher was going over anatomy and stuff as a little recap because we had a couple transfer students join us. I was like half asleep during this. The teacher: This is your spine. Me, practically asleep: aw Sc**iße put it back! Que the laughter. Luckily nobody knew that I cursed because I mostly speak German so that's what I cursed in.Hey Pandas, What Was One Of The Funniest Things That Happened At School?
This was today actually. In my science class my teacher likes to have "roast friday." (I know it's Thursday when im posting this, we don't have school tomorrow.) The class votes two people to go up in front of the class and just roast the sh*t out of each other. (with out being too offensive, obviously.) The class voted me and this other dude and it goes pretty well. He then said "your cripted looking *ss is probably related to mothman." I then opened my bag and stared him down, and three months just flew out. I was actually going to get my dictionary, it was a complete accident. I won lol Mothsoup • is following 9 people
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