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Idk what to call myself
Community Member
1 posts
42 points
I draw like cats, memes, and dark stuff. Also I like this streamer jellybean you should subscribe to her now. That is it
Idk what to call myself • upvoted 38 items 2 years ago
Peanut butter is a fantastic savoury ingredient with a shockingly enormous range of applications.Culinary-Hill-Willing-To-Pass-On
We need to stop letting people put raisins where they don't belong.... It's getting out of hand.Culinary-Hill-Willing-To-Pass-On
Baked donuts are not donuts. Donuts must be fried. Baked donuts are just small cakes, which are delicious but NOT DONUTS to clarify the exact type of donut imposter I am raging againstCulinary-Hill-Willing-To-Pass-On
I don't want to hear that you're bad at cooking if you don't follow a recipe or measure your ingredients. You can get so far by just reading and actually do it what it says.Show All 38 Upvotes
Idk what to call myself • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Idk what to call myself • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Idk what to call myself • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Idk what to call myself • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
Idk what to call myself • commented on 15 posts 3 years ago
Idk what to call myself • upvoted 19 items 2 years ago
Baked donuts are not donuts. Donuts must be fried. Baked donuts are just small cakes, which are delicious but NOT DONUTS to clarify the exact type of donut imposter I am raging againstCulinary-Hill-Willing-To-Pass-On
Peanut butter is a fantastic savoury ingredient with a shockingly enormous range of applications.Culinary-Hill-Willing-To-Pass-On
I don't want to hear that you're bad at cooking if you don't follow a recipe or measure your ingredients. You can get so far by just reading and actually do it what it says. Idk what to call myself • is following 4 people
Idk what to call myself • 12 followers