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Izza Mood
Community Member
2 posts
106 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Izza Mood • upvoted 37 items 2 years ago
Way More Excited To See Your Duck. // If You're In Minnesota, I'll Be Speaking Tomorrow At St. Cloud State University On Fighting Back Against Sexist Harassment Online. Link To Event In The Bio. ✌️
My Name Is Ned, Now I'm A Bed, And If I Ruffs, I Scare The Fluffs, I Cannot Move, I Just Play Dead, My Name Is Ned, And I'm A Bed
Was the 25th anniversary of my dads death. Was as always, thinking about it all day long. He was only 49 when he passed. Was passing a funeral home and got kind of sad, little more than normal. Was just hitting me hard. I was as at a stop light. Looked at car in front of me... License Plates read: LUV DADElephant Named Bhatbhoot Rice Ghost Stealing Rice From The Military Mess In Binaguri, West Bengal, India
It's Great That My Parents Still Love Each Other After 30 Years, But I Wish My Mom Knew How Group Messaging Works
Lutefisk. It is a terrible idea someone had here in Norway some centuries ago. You take a perfectly edible cod and dry it. So far, so good; You can still rescue the fish by making Bacalao. Then, you follow up by soaking the fish, the very fish you just dried, in water for a few days. Finally, when the fish no longer thinks its remains can be further mistreated you put it into a bath of lye dissolved in water. The end process sees you with a swollen mess of a fish that's got a ph of 11-12, which is lethal. To make the damn thing edible you need to soak it in water for over a week. This is, incredibly enough, considered a delicacy and is something many try to foist upon poor, unsuspecting, tourists. Me? I think the fish has been through enough, no need to make it a participant in crimes against humanity as well.Show All 37 Upvotes
Izza Mood • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
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Izza Mood • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Izza Mood • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Izza Mood • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
Izza Mood • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
Izza Mood • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Way More Excited To See Your Duck. // If You're In Minnesota, I'll Be Speaking Tomorrow At St. Cloud State University On Fighting Back Against Sexist Harassment Online. Link To Event In The Bio. ✌️
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