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newt juices
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17 posts
379 points
newt juices • commented on a post 1 year ago
newt juices • upvoted 7 items 1 year ago
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newt juices • upvoted 32 items 2 years ago
Food, Funny
People Are Cracking Up At These 7 Satirical Ideas On How To Spoil Your Family’s Thanksgiving Without It Being Traced Back To You
Hey Pandas, Wanna Rant?
Copy and pasted from another rant post: So, there is a boy in my pe class who bullies me daily. I go to a private school that I’ve gone to all my life, so I am not used to being bullied. He physically hurts me, targets me, and occasionally hurts my friends. The thing that really gets me is when he goes after my friends, but he has hurt me so bad that I am on the floor crying, trying to gain my breath back. My friends are awesome, but they are both shy and don’t stand up to him. Just to clarify, I am a junior high girl, and the kid bullying me is a seventh grade boy, which is really embarrassing, so only my friends know. He constantly threatens to hurt me, and our pe teacher is horrible and hasn’t noticed anything. I feel like I should give the guy some sympathy since his parents are dead and he is raised by his grandma, but still. I don’t know what to do. I have just been faking injuries to get out of pe recently, but that isn’t working anymore. What do I do? I’m sorry but one more: I’m in love with my best friend, and he doesn’t know. He calls me his sister, and was revolted when someone suggested we were a thing. He also already has a girl, and she’s great. He is a sweet, shy, nerdy guy, and I love him. What do I do? Just suck it up? Sorry, it was a long rantHey Pandas, Wanna Rant?
I think I might be kinda creepy for doing this but I have a talk friend who gives the only kind of hug I like I feel guilty for liking his but not anyone else’s but I can hug him and hear his heartbeat and I know I’m creepy but it’s so comforting and I don’t why. I can’t go to other places without weird looks for my white hair (I have a white strand but I’m young) and dark skin. My looks don’t add up at all. I feel bad for not liking hardly any real people romantically and only ever liking just one. For all of my life I will be stuck having a crush on book characters. I can’t wear a shirt without them getting sweat stains. It doesn’t matter how much deodorant I wear it always happens. I feel kinda guilty writing this long but maybe someone is this bored to keep reading and I’m struggling and need to vent. I finally have almost made it to a year self harm free and I fear I’m not going to make it. It doesn’t matter how much time passes there will always be scars. The scars are from darker times. I don’t want to watch to keep watching the same kids shows that remind me of a time when I was happy. I don’t want to need my shadow figure creature Cleo sitting by my bed to protect me. I don’t want to love the sound of my friends heartbeat. I don’t like how I see shadows without something in front/behind it.Show All 32 Upvotes
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newt juices • commented on a post 1 year ago
newt juices • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
newt juices • upvoted 13 items 1 year ago
newt juices • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
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