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Isa Roasted you so hard
Community Member
3 posts
51 points
Hi my name is Isa, I like writing and performing my raps to close friends and family. One day I hope to become a famous rapper. My favorite rappers and Eminem and Nicki Minaj.
Isa Roasted you so hard • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • commented on a post 2 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • upvoted 17 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
making a friend. i can be so shy and introvert with people but i am an extrovert with people im comfortable with. My new friend is Mathew :) its really good getting a new friend especially when u dont have muchHey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
I had a whole conversation with somebody. I stutter and so I normally don't talk that much because I'm shy anyway. But I was able to have a whole conversation, only stuttering a little bit. And I felt comfortable too. To me, that's a huge accomplishment.Hey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
Going up to someone at a party and striking up a conversation with them. I have really bad social anxiety so this was a huge step closer to overcoming it for me.Show All 17 Upvotes
Isa Roasted you so hard • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
Show All 9 Comments
Isa Roasted you so hard • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • commented on a post 2 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
Isa Roasted you so hard • upvoted 18 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
Going up to someone at a party and striking up a conversation with them. I have really bad social anxiety so this was a huge step closer to overcoming it for me.Hey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
making a friend. i can be so shy and introvert with people but i am an extrovert with people im comfortable with. My new friend is Mathew :) its really good getting a new friend especially when u dont have muchHey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
I had a whole conversation with somebody. I stutter and so I normally don't talk that much because I'm shy anyway. But I was able to have a whole conversation, only stuttering a little bit. And I felt comfortable too. To me, that's a huge accomplishment.Hey Pandas, What's Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People?
Talking to my whole class. I have social anxiety.Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Wish People Knew About You?
That I'm not angry, I just get overwhelmed and don't always know what to say in the moment That I'm quiet, but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk. If you have common interests, I can talk for hours. Otherwise I just feel like I'm intruding.Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Wish People Knew About You?
I have social anxiety, and it really feels good when I get compliments. I doubt every relationship I have but have no proof. My friends love me, and I know that, but I have random moments when my brain is like, "They all hate you and think you're annoying." Isa Roasted you so hard • is following a person
Isa Roasted you so hard • 16 followers