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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
CompliZated • upvoted 25 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Unexpected Side Of You Comes Out When Intoxicated?
This only happens when I drink tequila. When I do I get super hyper and motivated. I start cleaning or doing craft projects. My boss should give me a shot of tequila and some cleaning products and I'll have the place spotless! HahaHey Pandas, What Unexpected Side Of You Comes Out When Intoxicated?
Once I get a couple of shots in me, I lose my ability to filter what comes out of my mouth. And I also get rather bold about it as well. So things I normally would not say, get said. Recently, I was at my local watering hole having a few drinks and all was going well. It's a small bar, but it was pretty full. I had had a couple of drinks and the bartender asked if I wanted another one. I said yes. The guy sitting next to me proceeded to tell me that what I was drinking was no good and that I shouldn't be drinking it and he was going on and on. Now, this guy is a regular and he is very opinionated and in his eyes, if you don't agree with him, you're wrong. For the most part everyone just lets him spin his wheels because it's easier than arguing. But as I was ordering my 4th drink, I had no control over what came out of my mouth. I informed him that I didn't see a ring on my hand that belonged to him and he wasn't my father and he wasn't paying for my drinks so he needed to just sit there and shut up and let me drink what I was going to drink and mind his own business. Well everyone else in the bar got a big kick out of this and was egging me on and then they all started buying me shots, which only exacerbated the problem. But...old boy has kept his mouth shut since then, so I guess it wasn't such a bad thing after all.Dear Sir Or Madam, My Name Is Tigrotto And I Have 20 Years Of Working Experience In The Regenerational Business
I Seriously Cannot Even! Todays Daycare Photo Of My Girl Who Is Absolutely Smitten With George, The Great Dane! The Face Says It All
Woman Wants To Know If She’s The Bad Guy For Telling Her Half-Brother That His Kids’ Future Isn’t Her Responsibility
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CompliZated • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
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CompliZated • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
CompliZated • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
CompliZated • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
CompliZated • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
CompliZated • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
CompliZated • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
I Seriously Cannot Even! Todays Daycare Photo Of My Girl Who Is Absolutely Smitten With George, The Great Dane! The Face Says It All
Hey Pandas, What Unexpected Side Of You Comes Out When Intoxicated?
Once I get a couple of shots in me, I lose my ability to filter what comes out of my mouth. And I also get rather bold about it as well. So things I normally would not say, get said. Recently, I was at my local watering hole having a few drinks and all was going well. It's a small bar, but it was pretty full. I had had a couple of drinks and the bartender asked if I wanted another one. I said yes. The guy sitting next to me proceeded to tell me that what I was drinking was no good and that I shouldn't be drinking it and he was going on and on. Now, this guy is a regular and he is very opinionated and in his eyes, if you don't agree with him, you're wrong. For the most part everyone just lets him spin his wheels because it's easier than arguing. But as I was ordering my 4th drink, I had no control over what came out of my mouth. I informed him that I didn't see a ring on my hand that belonged to him and he wasn't my father and he wasn't paying for my drinks so he needed to just sit there and shut up and let me drink what I was going to drink and mind his own business. Well everyone else in the bar got a big kick out of this and was egging me on and then they all started buying me shots, which only exacerbated the problem. But...old boy has kept his mouth shut since then, so I guess it wasn't such a bad thing after all.Hey Pandas, What Unexpected Side Of You Comes Out When Intoxicated?
This only happens when I drink tequila. When I do I get super hyper and motivated. I start cleaning or doing craft projects. My boss should give me a shot of tequila and some cleaning products and I'll have the place spotless! HahaDear Sir Or Madam, My Name Is Tigrotto And I Have 20 Years Of Working Experience In The Regenerational Business
Woman Wants To Know If She’s The Bad Guy For Telling Her Half-Brother That His Kids’ Future Isn’t Her Responsibility
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