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Bored zombie
Community Member
I've gone through a lot of profile changes lately but now Im done. I am officially and forever, bored zombie :)
guinea-pig-cthulu reply
When he ran out of gas while in line at the Starbucks drive thru, right across the street from the gas station. I told him to get gas first because his car was low but he REALLY needed that iced caramel macchiato. I asked why he didn't listen to me, and he replied with "I thought I could make it."
He ended up PUSHING the car through the drive thru and got his coffee while doing so, then 'parked' the car in the lot and called a tow. TO TOW IT BACK HOME. Instead of the gas station ACROSS THE STREET. No he did not get any gas that day, he waited until his dad got off work to bring a 3 gallon jug of gasoline because I refused to enable that s**t
ETA: I fell asleep after commenting, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone with all these comments, holy s**t thank you for the reward!
Yes I'm still in a relationship with him. He's a space case but so am I, just not to that extent lmao I have not let him live that day down and he has learned to get gas first every time now.
The worst part of that day was the fact he didn't remember he had a canister for gasoline in his trunk. He told me he towed the car home instead of the gas station because he was too embarrassed and ashamed of himself. I asked why he still pushed his car through the Starbucks drive thru and he deadpan goes "I had enough stars for a free drink, I was gonna put the extra money I saved in my tank (gas)." My brain broke for a second because he uses the preloaded Starbucks app. How was he going to use $7 of his preloaded Starbucks app at a Chevron? He still hasn't answered me and it's been two years since it happened.
Edit 2: I showed him this and he flipped me off and said if this makes me famous he demands royalties lmao.
guinea-pig-cthulu reply
When he ran out of gas while in line at the Starbucks drive thru, right across the street from the gas station. I told him to get gas first because his car was low but he REALLY needed that iced caramel macchiato. I asked why he didn't listen to me, and he replied with "I thought I could make it."
He ended up PUSHING the car through the drive thru and got his coffee while doing so, then 'parked' the car in the lot and called a tow. TO TOW IT BACK HOME. Instead of the gas station ACROSS THE STREET. No he did not get any gas that day, he waited until his dad got off work to bring a 3 gallon jug of gasoline because I refused to enable that s**t
ETA: I fell asleep after commenting, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone with all these comments, holy s**t thank you for the reward!
Yes I'm still in a relationship with him. He's a space case but so am I, just not to that extent lmao I have not let him live that day down and he has learned to get gas first every time now.
The worst part of that day was the fact he didn't remember he had a canister for gasoline in his trunk. He told me he towed the car home instead of the gas station because he was too embarrassed and ashamed of himself. I asked why he still pushed his car through the Starbucks drive thru and he deadpan goes "I had enough stars for a free drink, I was gonna put the extra money I saved in my tank (gas)." My brain broke for a second because he uses the preloaded Starbucks app. How was he going to use $7 of his preloaded Starbucks app at a Chevron? He still hasn't answered me and it's been two years since it happened.
Edit 2: I showed him this and he flipped me off and said if this makes me famous he demands royalties lmao.
guinea-pig-cthulu reply
When he ran out of gas while in line at the Starbucks drive thru, right across the street from the gas station. I told him to get gas first because his car was low but he REALLY needed that iced caramel macchiato. I asked why he didn't listen to me, and he replied with "I thought I could make it."
He ended up PUSHING the car through the drive thru and got his coffee while doing so, then 'parked' the car in the lot and called a tow. TO TOW IT BACK HOME. Instead of the gas station ACROSS THE STREET. No he did not get any gas that day, he waited until his dad got off work to bring a 3 gallon jug of gasoline because I refused to enable that s**t
ETA: I fell asleep after commenting, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone with all these comments, holy s**t thank you for the reward!
Yes I'm still in a relationship with him. He's a space case but so am I, just not to that extent lmao I have not let him live that day down and he has learned to get gas first every time now.
The worst part of that day was the fact he didn't remember he had a canister for gasoline in his trunk. He told me he towed the car home instead of the gas station because he was too embarrassed and ashamed of himself. I asked why he still pushed his car through the Starbucks drive thru and he deadpan goes "I had enough stars for a free drink, I was gonna put the extra money I saved in my tank (gas)." My brain broke for a second because he uses the preloaded Starbucks app. How was he going to use $7 of his preloaded Starbucks app at a Chevron? He still hasn't answered me and it's been two years since it happened.
Edit 2: I showed him this and he flipped me off and said if this makes me famous he demands royalties lmao.