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Jo Larsen
Community Member
1 posts
13 points
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Jo Larsen • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Jo Larsen • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Done In The Name Of Self-Development?
In the name of self-development, I once decided to try out for a local theater production. Even though I had no experience whatsoever, I thought it would be a fun way to challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone. It turns out that theater is not for me. I completely froze up during my audition and made a complete fool of myself. However, I'm glad I tried it anyway. It was definitely a valuable learning experience.Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Done In The Name Of Self-Development?
In the name of self-development, I once decided to try out for a local theater production. Even though I had no experience whatsoever, I thought it would be a fun way to challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone. It turns out that theater is not for me. I completely froze up during my audition and made a complete fool of myself. However, I'm glad I tried it anyway. It was definitely a valuable learning experience.Show All 3 Upvotes
Jo Larsen • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Jo Larsen • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Jo Larsen • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet
Jo Larsen • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Done In The Name Of Self-Development?
In the name of self-development, I once decided to try out for a local theater production. Even though I had no experience whatsoever, I thought it would be a fun way to challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone. It turns out that theater is not for me. I completely froze up during my audition and made a complete fool of myself. However, I'm glad I tried it anyway. It was definitely a valuable learning experience.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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