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Bored potato
Community Member
2 posts
9 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Bored potato • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago
Social Issues
People Are Sharing Things That Shouldn't Be Socially Acceptable In 2022, And Some Are Controversial
Ema630 reply
Went to a friends house when I was in the 7th grade, heard their dad coming in through the door and went to run and hide in my friends bedroom. She followed me puzzled and said come on out and say hi to my dad, he's excited to finally get to meet you. I was astonished to see all the kids gathered around their dad, they had 7 kids, and they were all happy to see each other. He was scooping up the little ones as they each told them one thing from their day, the eldest brother asked him for help with his math which he said yes, just give me a few minutes. Then came up to me to say hi and learn some tidbits about me, genuinely interested. I have never seen a dad walk into a room and the kids run towards him instead of away. He didn't drink a drop of alcohol, and had at least one little one in his lap while he helped the eldest with his math until he felt sure his son understood what he was doing. I went home and told my brothers that they were a weird family and the dad was a goody goody. I was 12 years old and had no idea that's what a healthy family dynamic looked like. There was no yelling, no screaming, no shaming. And I thought they were weird.This Man Spoke With Every Parent In Uvalde, Texas To Build Personalized Caskets For All 19 Children Who Were Shot. His Name Is Trey Ganem
Show All 26 Upvotes
Bored potato • commented on 13 posts 2 years ago
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Bored potato • started following a person 2 years ago
Bored potato • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Bored potato • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Bored potato • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
Bored potato • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Social Issues
People Are Sharing Things That Shouldn't Be Socially Acceptable In 2022, And Some Are Controversial
Ema630 reply
Went to a friends house when I was in the 7th grade, heard their dad coming in through the door and went to run and hide in my friends bedroom. She followed me puzzled and said come on out and say hi to my dad, he's excited to finally get to meet you. I was astonished to see all the kids gathered around their dad, they had 7 kids, and they were all happy to see each other. He was scooping up the little ones as they each told them one thing from their day, the eldest brother asked him for help with his math which he said yes, just give me a few minutes. Then came up to me to say hi and learn some tidbits about me, genuinely interested. I have never seen a dad walk into a room and the kids run towards him instead of away. He didn't drink a drop of alcohol, and had at least one little one in his lap while he helped the eldest with his math until he felt sure his son understood what he was doing. I went home and told my brothers that they were a weird family and the dad was a goody goody. I was 12 years old and had no idea that's what a healthy family dynamic looked like. There was no yelling, no screaming, no shaming. And I thought they were weird. Bored potato • is following a person