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Ikani S.
Community Member
2 posts
-1 points
I capture interesting images from Nigeria and other countries I visit, in my photos and short videos then share them with others.
Ikani S. • submitted a new post 11 months ago
Ikani S. • commented on a post 11 months ago
Ikani S. • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
Ikani S. • submitted a list addition 5 years ago
Ikani S. • submitted a new post 5 years ago
Ikani S. • commented on 6 posts 6 years ago
Show All 6 Comments
Ikani S. • upvoted 7 items 6 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Thing You've Considered 'Normal' While Growing Up, Only To Find Out It's Actually Weird?
My parents and I used to play a game where I had to stop, drop and roll every time they say the word 'time', so I thought everyone does it until I was 12. I once went to my friend's house and they asked me what the time was so I stopped, dropped and rolled and hit my head on their bed.Hey Pandas, What's The Thing You've Considered 'Normal' While Growing Up, Only To Find Out It's Actually Weird?
I was rather sick as a little girl and after trying a lot of different options, my mom heard about the healing powers of garlic. So each morning we would start with a tea spoon of freshly squeezed garlic juice. I somehow thought that this was a normal thing people do, but turns out no one else does it... It did do the trick though, so I can second garlic's healing power :)Hey, Pandas! What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Done Because Your Brain Was On Autopilot?
My car needed a small repair, so I had taken it into the garage and left it there. As I was continued walking to work, I remembered that I hadn't stopped for gas on the way, so I walked into the gas station and up to the pump before I realized that I didn't have my car with me. At least I remembered before I tried pumping the gas!Show All 7 Upvotes
Ikani S. • submitted a list addition 6 years ago
Ikani S. • upvoted 7 items 9 years ago
Show All 7 Upvotes
Ikani S. • submitted a new post 11 months ago
Ikani S. • submitted a new post 5 years ago
Ikani S. • submitted a list addition 5 years ago
Ikani S. • submitted a list addition 6 years ago
Ikani S. • commented on a post 11 months ago
Ikani S. • commented on 6 posts 6 years ago
Ikani S. • upvoted 2 items 11 months ago
Ikani S. • upvoted 7 items 6 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Thing You've Considered 'Normal' While Growing Up, Only To Find Out It's Actually Weird?
I was rather sick as a little girl and after trying a lot of different options, my mom heard about the healing powers of garlic. So each morning we would start with a tea spoon of freshly squeezed garlic juice. I somehow thought that this was a normal thing people do, but turns out no one else does it... It did do the trick though, so I can second garlic's healing power :)Hey Pandas, What's The Thing You've Considered 'Normal' While Growing Up, Only To Find Out It's Actually Weird?
My parents and I used to play a game where I had to stop, drop and roll every time they say the word 'time', so I thought everyone does it until I was 12. I once went to my friend's house and they asked me what the time was so I stopped, dropped and rolled and hit my head on their bed.Hey, Pandas! What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Done Because Your Brain Was On Autopilot?
My car needed a small repair, so I had taken it into the garage and left it there. As I was continued walking to work, I remembered that I hadn't stopped for gas on the way, so I walked into the gas station and up to the pump before I realized that I didn't have my car with me. At least I remembered before I tried pumping the gas! Ikani S. • upvoted 7 items 9 years ago
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