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Ian Bailey
Community Member
2 posts
12 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Ian Bailey • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Pandas, How Do You Feel About The LGBTQ+ Community?
As a member of the LGBTQ community myself, I can say we are all wonderful people, and certainly don’t deserve the discrimination and hate we receive from certain religious organizations and people with certain political ideologies. All people deserve to be treated with love and respect, and I hope we can all go out and do that!Pandas, How Do You Feel About The LGBTQ+ Community?
I absolutely support it! Even if you are lesbian, gay, bi, trans, or queer, you are STILL a human being!Pandas, How Do You Feel About The LGBTQ+ Community?
LGBTQ+ people are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Most of my friends and I are part of the community in one way or another (personally I am a lesbian) and they are very accepting and welcoming.How Do You Feel About The Lgbtq Community?
1000% acceptence including the other letters like IAP+ and idk the rest of the order (lgbtqiap+)Show All 11 Upvotes
Ian Bailey • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
Ian Bailey • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Ian Bailey • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Ian Bailey • submitted 6 list additions 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet
Ian Bailey • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Pandas, How Do You Feel About The LGBTQ+ Community?
As a member of the LGBTQ community myself, I can say we are all wonderful people, and certainly don’t deserve the discrimination and hate we receive from certain religious organizations and people with certain political ideologies. All people deserve to be treated with love and respect, and I hope we can all go out and do that!How Do You Feel About The Lgbtq Community?
1000% acceptence including the other letters like IAP+ and idk the rest of the order (lgbtqiap+)Pandas, How Do You Feel About The LGBTQ+ Community?
I absolutely support it! Even if you are lesbian, gay, bi, trans, or queer, you are STILL a human being!Pandas, How Do You Feel About The LGBTQ+ Community?
LGBTQ+ people are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Most of my friends and I are part of the community in one way or another (personally I am a lesbian) and they are very accepting and welcoming.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Ian Bailey • 22 followers