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Himangana Panwar
Community Member
7 posts
82 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Himangana Panwar • upvoted an item 10 months ago
Himangana Panwar • submitted 3 new posts 1 year ago
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Himangana Panwar • commented on 23 posts 1 year ago
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Himangana Panwar • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Himangana Panwar • upvoted 11 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Would You Like To Tell Another Person Here?
If you are living in the USA, just try and find a way to move out. In case social-health-and-overall-well-being, like human/worker rights, social nest is importantant for you. Europe is a continent with very many including-culture countries, where you can have a perfect awork-life balance with a decent salary, and no worries about your health, your's or kinders' education, being-let-aside-of-the-road,if you loose your job .... and so on... And if you think, that there is just anopportunity for white-collar-job people, you are wrong. Many countries are in need of people doing blue-collar jobs, and the payment reaches the needs. Sure, you havetobe good, as per normal. Doesn't apply, if you are in the privileged cast, but for 90% of the people living there, USA is a dystophian nightmare from a Marvell-movie.Hey Pandas, What's A Random Fact That You Can't Get Out Of Your Mind?
When you feel grief at the loss of a book or film character it's because your brain cannot tell the difference between a real person and a fictional being. Any strong emotions you feel towards characters from books or films occur because your mind does not have a way to discern fact from fiction.Show All 11 Upvotes
Himangana Panwar • submitted 7 new posts 1 year ago
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, Do You Ever Have Those Experiences Out Of Nowhere That Really Mess With You And Make You Feel Like Everything Is Just A Dystopian Nightmare?
Himangana Panwar • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Himangana Panwar • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Himangana Panwar • upvoted an item 10 months ago
Himangana Panwar • upvoted 19 items 1 year ago
Kylie's Instagram Story Straight After She Cried About Koalas Dying. Her Slippers Are Made Of The Mink Fur
Hey Pandas, What's A Random Fact That You Can't Get Out Of Your Mind?
When you feel grief at the loss of a book or film character it's because your brain cannot tell the difference between a real person and a fictional being. Any strong emotions you feel towards characters from books or films occur because your mind does not have a way to discern fact from fiction.Hey Pandas, What Would You Like To Tell Another Person Here?
If you are living in the USA, just try and find a way to move out. In case social-health-and-overall-well-being, like human/worker rights, social nest is importantant for you. Europe is a continent with very many including-culture countries, where you can have a perfect awork-life balance with a decent salary, and no worries about your health, your's or kinders' education, being-let-aside-of-the-road,if you loose your job .... and so on... And if you think, that there is just anopportunity for white-collar-job people, you are wrong. Many countries are in need of people doing blue-collar jobs, and the payment reaches the needs. Sure, you havetobe good, as per normal. Doesn't apply, if you are in the privileged cast, but for 90% of the people living there, USA is a dystophian nightmare from a Marvell-movie.dimondolla reply
Next door neighbors. He is physically abusive to his wife and kids (I've seen him hit her and the kids(multiple occasions over the last 7 years)). She has been cheating on him during their entire marriage. She is verbally abusive to the kids.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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